Push-commit triggers

Use the push-commit trigger type to create triggers that fire after changelist creation, file transfer, and changelist commission to the database. Use push-commit triggers for processes that assume (or require) the successful push of a changelist.


Following is a push-commit trigger that sends emails to other users who have files open in the pushed changelist.

# mailopens.sh - Notify users when open files are updated
p4 fstat @$changelist,@$changelist | while read line
  # Parse out the name/value pair.
  name='echo $line | sed 's/[\. ]\+\([^ ]\+\) .\+/\1/''
  value='echo $line | sed 's/[\. ]\+[^ ]\+ \(.\+\)/\1/''
  if [ "$name" = "depotFile" ]
    # Line is "... depotFile <depotFile>". Parse to get depotFile.
  elif [ "'echo $name | cut -b-9'" = "otherOpen" -a \
    "$name" != "otherOpen" ]
    # Line is "... ... otherOpen[0-9]+ <otherUser@otherWorkspace>".
    # Parse to get otherUser and otherWorkspace.
    otheruser='echo $value | sed 's/\(.\+\)@.\+/\1/''
    otherworkspace='echo $value | sed 's/.\+@\(.\+\)/\1/''
    # Get email address of the other user from p4 user -o.
    othermail='p4 user -o $otheruser | grep Email: \
      | grep -v \# | cut -b8-'

    # Mail other user that a file they have open has been updated
    mail -s "$depotfile was just submitted" $othermail <<EOM
The Perforce file: $depotfile
was just pushed in changelist $changelist by Perforce user $user
from the $workspace workspace.  You have been sent this message
because you have this file open in the $otherworkspace workspace.
exit 0Fo

To use the trigger, add the following line to your triggers table:

sample3  push-commit //... "mailopens.sh %change% %client% %user%"

Whenever a user pushes a changelist, any users with open files affected by that changelist receive an email notification.

The section Triggering before or after commands describes some additional options you have for triggers with push and fetch actions.