Passwords, set and reset
Helix Core Server superusers can manually set a user’s password with:
$ p4 passwd username
When prompted, enter a new password for the user.
To force a user with an existing password to reset his or her own password the next time they use Helix Core Server, use the following command:
$ p4 admin resetpassword -u username
You can force all users with passwords (including the superuser that invokes this command) to reset their passwords by using the command:
$ p4 admin resetpassword -a
Running p4 admin resetpassword -a
resets only the
passwords of users who already exist (and who have passwords). If you
create new user accounts with default passwords, you can further
configure your installation to require that all newly-created users reset
their passwords before issuing their first command. To do this, set the
configurable as follows:
$ p4 configure set dm.user.resetpassword=1