Form-commit triggers

Unlike the other form triggers, the form-commit trigger fires after a form is committed to the database. Use these triggers for processes that assume (or require) the successful submission of a form. In the case of job forms, the job’s name is not set until after the job has been committed to the database; the form-commit trigger is the only way to obtain the name of a new job as part of the process of job creation.


The following script, when copied to, shows how to get a job name during the process of job creation, and also reports the status of changelists associated with job fixes.

# - illustrate form-commit trigger


echo $COMMAND: User $USER, formname $FORM, action $ACTION >> log.txt

To use the trigger, add the following line to the trigger table:

sample10  form-commit  job   " %user% %formname% %action%"

Use the %action% variable to distinguish whether or not a change to a job was prompted by a user directly working with a job by means of p4 job, or indirectly by means of fixing the job within the context of p4 fix or the Jobs field of a changelist.

The simplest case is the creation of a new job (or a change to an existing job) with the p4 job command; the trigger fires, and the script reports the user, the name of the newly-created (or edited) job. In these cases, the %action% variable is null.

The trigger also fires when users add or delete jobs to changelists, and it does so regardless of whether the changed jobs are being manipulated by means of p4 fix, p4 fix -d, or by editing the Jobs field of the changelist form provided by p4 change or p4 submit form). In these cases, the %action% variable holds the status of the changelist (pending or submitted) to which the jobs are being added or deleted. The form-commit trigger does not run if zero jobs are attached to the changelist.

Because the %action% variable is not always set, it must be the last argument supplied to any form-commit trigger script.