The Fields field

The p4 jobspec field named Fields lists the fields to be tracked by your jobs and specifies the order in which they appear on the p4 job form.

The default Fields field includes these fields:

      101 Job word 32 required
      102 Status select 10 required
      103 User word 32 required
      104 Date date 20 always
      105 Description text 0 required

Do not attempt to change, rename, or redefine fields 101 through 105. Fields 101 through 105 are used by Helix Core Server and should not be deleted or changed. Use p4 jobspec only to add new fields (106 and above) to your jobs.

Each field must be listed on a separate line. A field is defined by a line containing each of the following five field descriptors.

Field descriptor Meaning


A unique integer identifier by which this field is indexed. After a field has been created and jobs entered into the system, the name of this field can change, but the data becomes inaccessible if the ID number changes.

ID numbers must be between 106 and 199.


The name of the field as it should appear on the p4 job form. No spaces are permitted.

Data type

One of six datatypes (word, text, line, select, date or bulk), as described in the next table.


The recommended size of the field’s text box as displayed in P4V, the Helix Core Visual Client. To display a text box with room for multiple lines of input, use a length of 0; to display a single line, enter the Length as the maximum number of characters in the line.

The value of this field has no effect on jobs edited from the Helix Core Server command line, and it is not related to the actual length of the values stored by the server.

Field type

Determines whether a field is read-only, contains default values, is required, and so on. The valid values for this field are:

  • optional: the field can take any value or can be deleted.
  • default: a default value is provided, but it can be changed or erased.
  • required: a default is given; it can be changed but the field can’t be left empty.
  • once: read-only; the field is set once to a default value and is never changed.
  • always: read-only; the field value is reset to the default value when the job is saved. Useful only with the $now variable to change job modification dates, and with the $user variable to change the name of the user who last modified the job.

Fields have the following six datatypes.

Field Type Explanation Example


A single word (a string without spaces).

A userid: edk


A block of text that can span multiple lines.

A job’s description.


One line of text.

A user’s real name: Ed K.


One of a set of user-defined values.

Each field with datatype select must have a corresponding line in the Values field entered into the job specification.

A job’s status. One of: open/suspended/closed


A date value: year/month/day:hours:minutes:seconds

The date and time of job creation: 1998/07/15:13:21:46


A block of text that can span multiple lines, but which is not indexed for searching with p4 jobs -e.

Alphanumeric data for which text searches are not expected.