Build your own integration

Even if you don’t use Helix Core Server integrations as your starting point, you can still use the job system as the interface between Helix Core Server and your defect tracker. Depending on the application, the interface you set up will consist of one or more of the following:

  • A trigger or script on the defect tracking system side that adds, updates, or deletes a job in Helix Core Server every time a bug is added, updated, or deleted in the defect tracking system.

    The third-party system should generate the data and pass it to a script that reformats the data to resemble the form used by a manual (interactive) invocation of p4 job. The script can then pipe the generated form to the standard input of a p4 job -i command.

    The -i flag to p4 job is used when you want p4 job to read a job form directly from the standard input, rather than using the interactive "form-and-editor" approach typical of user operations. Further information on automating Helix Core Server with the -i option is available in the Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.

  • A trigger on the Helix Core Server side that checks changelists being submitted for any necessary bug fix information.

For more about triggers, including examples, see Triggers and extensions.