Naming Helix Core Server objects

As you work with Helix Core Server, you will be creating a variety of objects: clients, depots, branches, jobs, labels, and so on. This section provides some guidelines you can use when naming these objects.

Object Name


A good idea to name them, perhaps using a convention to indicate the relationship of the branch to other branches or to your workflow.


Depends on usage, but some common naming conventions include:

  • user.machineTag.product
  • user.machineTag.product.branch

Whether you use product or product.branch depends on whether your workspace gets re-purposed from stream to stream (in which case you use just product), or whether you have multiple workspaces, one for each branch (in which case you use product.branch, effectively tying the workspace name to the branch).

A client cannot not have the same name as a depot.


Depot names are part of an organizations hierarchy for all your digital assets. Take care in choosing names and in planning the directory structure.

It is best to keep the names short.

A client cannot have the same name as a depot.


Use names that match whatever your external defect tracker issues look like. For example PRJ-1234 for Jira issues.


Site-dependent, varies with your code management and versioning needs. For example: R-3.2.0.

Machine Tags

The host name, or something simple and descriptive. For example Win7VM, P4MBPro (for Helix Core Server MacBook Pro).


The OS user.