
The package update commands with apt-get, yum, or zypper do not complete the process of updating your Perforce service. Packages for Linux simplify only certain steps of that process.

Updating packages without completing the rest of the update process leaves your Helix Core Server in a precarious state. Make sure to read and understand the entire process before updating any packages.

  1. Review the update (upgrading) process.

    1. See Upgrade the server.
    2. Packages for Linux help you accomplish only specific steps from the general process. If you are attempting to update your Helix Core Server using packages, you should still follow the general process of upgrading the server, but with these package-specific modifications:

      1. You might be able to stop, checkpoint, and start your Helix Core Server using p4dctl:

        $ sudo -u perforce p4dctl [stop|checkpoint|start] servicename
      2. You do not need to manually retrieve the new component binaries (such as p4d) from the Perforce website. The package update commands with apt-get or yum accomplish this step.

        Platform-specific package update commands are below.

      3. You still need to upgrade the Helix Core Server database to use the new versions of components delivered by the packages.

        As a convenience, 2016.1 and newer packages attempt to present tailored instructions and commands on-screen for upgrading those Helix Core Server databases that are discovered automatically.

  2. Determine if an updated package is available.

    To update a different package, substitute its name for helix-p4d in the commands below.

    Run one of the following:

    • For Ubuntu:

      $ sudo apt-get update
      $ apt-cache madison helix-p4d
    • For CentOS/RHEL:

      $ yum --showduplicates list helix-p4d
    • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      $ sudo zypper search -s helix-p4d
  3. Install an updated package.

    To update a different package, substitute its name for helix-p4d in the commands below.

    The command to update is the same used to install initially.

    Run one of the following:

    • For Ubuntu:

      $ sudo apt-get update
      $ sudo apt-get install helix-p4d
    • For CentOS/RHEL:

      $ sudo yum install helix-p4d
    • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      $ sudo zypper install helix-p4d

    Failure to complete all update steps could result in continued downtime for your Helix Core Server.