Create graph depots

A graph depot can hold zero or more repositories. There is no upper limit to the number of repos that you can store in a single graph depot. You can also manually create additional graph depots at any time by running the p4 depot command. This command is used to create any type of depot. For details, see Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference or run the p4 help command.

Make sure to grant admin permission to the gconn-user on any manually created graph depots. For instructions, see Granting permissions.

You can view a list of the graph depots on your server by running the p4 depots command with the --depot-type=graph option:

$ p4 depots --depot-type=graph


$ p4 depots -t graph

When you create a new depot (of any type), the resulting form that opens is called the depot spec. The depot spec for a graph depot:

  • gives the graph depot a name
  • establishes an owner for the depot

    The owner has certain privileges for all repos in a graph depot and automatically acquires depot-wide admin privileges.

  • defines a storage location for the archives and Git LFS files for all repos in a graph depot

A graph depot does not use the p4 protect mechanism at the file level. Instead, a graph depot supports the Git model with a set of permissions for an entire repo of files. For details, see Managing access control to graph depots and repos.

  1. To create a new graph depot:

    $ p4 depot -t graph graphDepotName
  2. Edit the resulting spec as needed.

    For information on the available form fields, see p4 depot in Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference.

For a list of the file types that can be stored in a depot of type graph, go to p4 add (graph), and under Options, see -t filetype