P4Broker options

Option Meaning

-c file

Specify a configuration file. Overrides P4BROKEROPTIONS setting.


Output a sample configuration file, and then exit.


Run as a daemon (in the background).


Run as a single-threaded (non-forking) process.


Print help message, and then exit.


Run quietly (no startup messages).


Print broker version, and then exit.

-v subsystem=level

Set server trace options. Overrides the value of the P4DEBUG setting, but does not override the debug-level setting in the p4broker.conf file. Default is null.

The server command trace options and their meanings are as follows.

  • server=0

    Disable broker command logging.

  • server=1

    Logs broker commands to the server log file.

  • server=2

    In addition to data logged at level 1, logs broker command completion and basic information on CPU time used. Time elapsed is reported in seconds. On UNIX, CPU usage (system and user time) is reported in milliseconds, as per getrusage().

  • server=3

    In addition to data logged at level 2, adds usage information for compute phases of p4 sync and p4 flush (p4 sync -k) commands.

For command tracing, output appears in the specified log file, showing the date, time, username, IP address, and command for each request processed by the server.


Generate SSL/TLS credentials files for the broker: create a private key (privatekey.txt) and certificate file (certificate.txt) in P4SSLDIR, and then exit.

Requires that P4SSLDIR be set to a directory that is owned by the user invoking the command, and that is readable only by that user. If config.txt is present in P4SSLDIR, generate a self-signed certificate with specified characteristics.


Display the fingerprint of the broker’s public key, and exit.

Administrators can communicate this fingerprint to end users, who can then use the p4 trust command to determine whether or not the fingerprint (of the server to which they happen to be connecting) is accurate.