Install the broker

Non-package-based installation of the Broker

  1. Download the p4broker executable from the Perforce website at
  2. Copy the download to a suitable directory on the host (such as /usr/local/bin), and ensure that the binary is executable:

    chmod +x p4broker

Linux package-based installation of the Broker

This topic assumes you have met the Prerequisites of Linux package-based installation.

The Helix Core Server is divided into multiple packages, so you can install the components you need. The component package names are:

  • helix-p4d
  • helix-p4dctl
  • helix-proxy
  • helix-broker
  • helix-cli

The helix-broker package installs the main component of the Broker, p4broker, as well as the command line interface (p4), the service controller (p4dctl), and a configuration script to set them up.

Package installation requires sudo or root level privileges.

  1. Follow the instructions at Perforce Packages.

    • For APT (Ubuntu), see "How to Configure APT repositories".
    • For YUM (Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS), see "How to Configure YUM repositories".
    • For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, see "How to Configure YUM repositories". You might want to use the zypper equivalent to yum.
  2. Install the helix-broker package by running the command for your operating system.

    For Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install helix-broker

    For CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

    sudo yum install helix-broker

    For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

    sudo zypper install helix-broker
  3. Follow the prompts.

  4. See Configure the broker.