Using structured logging

Structured server logs record information about server and user activity. Logs are written in comma-separated value (CSV) format, which can be processed by external tools or natively using the p4 logparse command. Structured logs can be configured to easily manage automatic log file rotation and log retention policies.

Structured server logs are intended to supplement standard Helix Server logs, not replace them.

Structured server logs can be verbose and grow rapidly. Consider establishing a process for automatic log file rotation and a policy for log retention.

Versioned Log Schema

With Helix Server 2019.2 and later, structured logs have a versioned schema that allows new versions of existing events to be added. See Protocol levels: server/client).

  • Updated versions of events are represented by having the two-digit server protocol level included after a period (.) in the event type field.
    For example:

    • 2.53 is associated with the 2021.2 release, and

    • 1.55 is associated with the 2022.2 release.

    The EventType tables that follow have a column, Introduced In Release (event_type.protocol_level), where some rows contain entries like 2020.1 (0.50), where the value in parentheses represents the protocol level.

  • The serverlog.version.N configurable can be used to pin a structured log file to a specific server version's format. For example, to retain the 2022.1 structured log events format, set the serverlog.version.N configurable to 54.

Structured Log Events

To jump to the EventType table for a type of event, click the Name.

Type Name Included in Description
0 CommandStart commands.csv all.csv Command start
1 ComputeEnd commands.csv all.csv Compute end
2 CommandEnd commands.csv all.csv Command end;
Lapse time and termination reason
(error, auth, max*, monitor, etc)
3 AnyError all.cvs All errors
4 Error errors.csv all.cvs Failed errors - User errors ('user' has not been enabled, Invalid option:, Submit failed)
5 FatalError errors.csv all.cvs Fatal errors - System errors (Database open errors, Operation 'open' failed)
6 Audit audit.csv all.csv Audit events (p4 sync, p4 archive, ...)
7 PerformanceUsage track.csv all.csv Performance usage tracking
8 NetworkPerformance track.csv all.csv Network performance tracking, which includes send/receive errors and duplex stats

See the examples and explanations at server-to-server network usage on replicas.

9 DatabasePerformance track.csv all.csv Database performance tracking; Includes lock times, including peek
10 Logappend user.csv all.csv User events from p4 logappend
11 Trigger triggers.csv all.csv Trigger events
12 ServerEvent events.csv all.csv Server startup, shutdown, restart, checkpoint, journal rotate
13 Obliterate audit.csv auditsize.csv all.csv Purge revision (p4 obliterate)
14 NetworkEstimates commands.csv track.csv all.csv Network estimates
15 Integrity integrity.csv all.csv Replica integrity checking events
16 Authentication auth.csv all.csv Login events
17 NetworkRoute route.csv all.csv Network route of client connections
18 AuditSize auditsize.csv Audit events including file revision's size (deprecated in 2019.2 because the Audit event was extended to include the revision’s size)
19 LDAPSync ldapsync.csv all.csv p4 ldapsync events
20 Action action.csv all.csv Primarily stores insert, update and delete actions such as: depot, change, submit
21 RemoteDatabasePerformance track.csv all.csv Logs tracking data for remote database access
22 ServerLockPerformance track.csv all.csv Logs the use of serverlocks
23 DatabaseBlockingLocksTaken track.csv all.csv Logs the failed lock attempts prior to a blocking lock being taken
24 LibrarianUsage track.csv all.csv Tracking metrics for the librarianClosed subsystem - access to archive files
25 ClientStats track.csv all.csv Tracking metrics for clients
26 CacheStats track.csv all.csv Tracking metrics for proxy caches


Event Type 0

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (0.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (0.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (0.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args

The arguments provided to the command:

  • Arguments are separated by “:”

  • Argument truncation can occur

  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'

15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (0.55)


Event Type 1

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (1.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (1.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (1.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args

The arguments provided to the command:

  • Arguments are separated by “:”

  • Argument truncation can occur

  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'

15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (1.55)


Event Type 2

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (2.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (2.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (2.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args

The arguments provided to the command:

  • Arguments are separated by “:”

  • Argument truncation can occur

  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'

15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (2.55)
16 f_lapse Time taken for the command to complete 2019.2 (2.49)
17 f_reason

The reason a command ended if it wasn’t successful


  • “exited on fatal server error”

  • “failed authentication check”

  • "killed by MaxResults”

  • "killed by MaxScanRows”

  • "killed by MaxLockTime”

  • "killed by MaxOpenFiles”

  • "killed by MaxMemory"

  • "killed by 'p4 monitor terminate'"

  • "killed by client disconnect"

2019.2 (2.49)
18 f_peakMemCommand Approximation of the greatest amount of memory used by the command. 2022.2 (2.55)
19 f_peakMemProcess Approximation of the greatest amount of memory used by the server process (multiple commands on the same connection can result in memory being retained for further use). 2022.2 (2.55


Event Type 3

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (3.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (3.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (3.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args

The arguments provided to the command:

  • Arguments are separated by “:”

  • Argument truncation can occur

  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'

15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (3.55)
16 f_severity The error severity: warning 2012.1
17 f_subsys The subsystem ID 2012.1
18 f_subcode The subsystem message ID 2012.1
19 f_text The expanded error message 2012.1


Event Type 4

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (4.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (4.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (4.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args

The arguments provided to the command:

  • Arguments are separated by “:”

  • Argument truncation can occur

  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'

15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (4.55)
16 f_severity The error severity: error (non-fatal) 2012.1
17 f_subsys The subsystem ID 2012.1
18 f_subcode The subsystem message ID 2012.1
19 f_text The expanded error message 2012.1


Event Type 5

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (5.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (5.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (5.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (5.55)
16 f_severity The error severity: error (fatal) 2012.1
17 f_subsys The subsystem ID 2012.1
18 f_subcode The subsystem message ID 2012.1
19 f_text The expanded error message 2012.1


Event Type 6

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (6.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (6.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (6.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (6.55)
16 f_action
  • The action performed on the file revision:
    diffdigestdeliver - The file was sent to a proxyfetch
    fetch-import grepimportmerge
    pack-objects printpurgepush
    push-import refreshrevertresolve
17 f_file The file’s depot path 2012.1
18 f_rev The file’s revision number 2012.1
19 f_filesize The size of the file revision in bytes 2019.2 (6.49)


Event Type 7

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (7.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (7.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (7.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (7.55)
16 f_trackType Always “usage” for this event type 2012.1
17 f_timer The time the command ran for in seconds (millisecond precision) 2012.1
18 f_utime The CPU time spent in user-space in milliseconds 2012.1
19 f_stime The CPU time spent in kernel-space in milliseconds 2012.1
20 f_io_in The number of filesystem reads 2012.1
21 f_io_out The number of filesystem writes 2012.1
22 f_net_in The number of IPC messages sent 2012.1
23 f_net_out The number of IPC messages received 2012.1
24 f_maxrss The greatest amount physical memory memory assigned to the server process (across all commands on the same connection up to this point) 2012.1
25 f_page_faults The number of page faults that required I/O 2012.1


Event Type 8

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (8.57) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (8.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (8.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application opperation. 2022.2 (8.55)
16 f_trackType changed in 22.2 2012.1
17 f_recvCount RPC messages received 2012.1
18 f_sendCount RPC messages sent 2012.1
19 f_recvBytes The total size of RPC messages received in bytes 2012.1
20 f_sendBytes The total size of RPC messages sent in bytes 2012.1
21 f_rpc_hi_mark_fwd The limit of anticipated round trip data when content is being sent towards the client. Only calculated on the server-side; client-side connections will log the default (unused) value. 2012.1
22 f_rpc_hi_mark_rev The limit of anticipated round trip data when content is being received from the client. Only calculated on the server-side; client-side connections will log the default (unused) value. 2012.1
23 f_recvTime The time spent receiving data in milliseconds 2012.1
24 f_sendTime The time spent sending data in milliseconds 2012.1
25 f_sendError The error message if an error occurred sending data 2019.2 (8.49)
26 f_recvError The error message if an error occurred receiving data 2019.2 (8.49)
27 f_duplexFwd If either a send or receive error occurred, the number of bytes sent since the last flush. 2019.2 (8.49)
28 f_duplexRev If either a send or receive error occurred, the number of messages that expect replies sent since the last flush. 2019.2 (8.49)
29 f_sendDirectFiles The number of files the server sent on this connection 2023.2 (8.57)
30 f_recvDirectFiles The number of files the server received on this connection 2023.2 (8.57)
31 f_sendDirectBytes The total size of files the server sent in bytes on this connection 2023.2 (8.57)
32 f_recvDirectBytes The total size of files the server received in bytes on this connection 2023.2 (8.57)


Event Type 9

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (9.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (9.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (9.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (9.55)
16 f_trackType Always “db” for this event type 2012.1
17 f_dbName The database table name Note: multiple an events of this type may be produced per-command, one for each table accessed. 2012.1
18 f_pagesIn The number of pages read from disk 2012.1
19 f_pagesOut The number of pages written to disk 2012.1
20 f_pagesCached The number of pages in cache 2012.1
21 f_reorderIntl Number of times internal nodes were reorganised 2012.1
22 f_reorderLeaf Number of pages updated by internal node reorganisation 2012.1
23 f_readLocks The number of read locks taken against this table 2012.1
24 f_writeLocks The number of write locks taken against this table 2012.1
25 f_gets Records fetched from the table 2012.1
26 f_positions Cursor positions against the table 2012.1
27 f_scans Consecutive records fetched from the table 2012.1
28 f_puts Records inserted or updated in the table 2012.1
29 f_deletes Records deleted from the table 2012.1
30 f_invCache Number of cache invalidations (unused) 2019.2 (9.49)
31 f_splitIntl Number of internal node splits 2019.2 (9.49)
32 f_splitLeaf Number of leaf node splits 2019.2 (9.49)
33 f_totalLockWaitRead The total time spent waiting for read locks on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
34 f_totalLockHeldRead The total time spent holding read locks on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
35 f_maxLockWaitRead The longest time spent waiting a read lock on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
36 f_maxLockHeldRead The longest time holding a read lock on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
37 f_totalLockWaitWrite The total time spent waiting for write locks on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
38 f_totalLockHeldWrite The total time spent holding write locks on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
39 f_maxLockWaitWrite The longest time spent waiting a write lock on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
40 f_maxLockHeldWrite The longest time holding a write lock on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
41 f_peekLocks The number of peek locks taken against this table 2019.2 (9.49)
42 f_totalLockWaitPeek The total time spent waiting for peek locks on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
43 f_totalLockHeldPeek The total time spent holding peek locks on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
44 f_maxLockWaitPeek The longest time spent waiting a peek lock on this table 2019.2 (9.49)
45 f_maxLockHeldPeek The longest time holding a peek lock on this table 2019.2 (9.49)


Event Type 10

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (10.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (10.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (10.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application opperation. 2022.2 (10.55)
16 f_arg_1 User provided argument 1 2012.1
17 f_arg_2 User provided argument 2 2012.1
18 f_arg_3 User provided argument 3 2012.1
19 f_arg_4 User provided argument 4 2012.1
20 f_arg_5 User provided argument 5 2012.1
21 f_arg_6 User provided argument 6 2012.1
22 f_arg_7 User provided argument 7 2012.1
23 f_arg_8 User provided argument 8 2012.1
24 f_arg_9 User provided argument 9 2012.1
25 f_arg_10 User provided argument 10 2012.1
26 f_arg_11 User provided argument 11 2012.1
27 f_arg_12 User provided argument 12 2012.1
28 f_arg_13 User provided argument 13 2012.1
29 f_arg_14 User provided argument 14 2012.1
30 f_arg_15 User provided argument 15 2012.1
31 f_arg_16 User provided argument 16 2012.1
32 f_arg_17 User provided argument 17 2012.1
33 f_arg_18 User provided argument 18 2012.1
34 f_arg_19 User provided argument 19 2012.1
35 f_arg_20 User provided argument 20 2012.1
36 f_arg_21 User provided argument 21 2012.1
37 f_arg_22 User provided argument 22 2012.1
38 f_arg_23 User provided argument 23 2012.1
39 f_arg_24 User provided argument 24 2012.1
40 f_arg_25 User provided argument 25 2012.1


Event Type 11

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (11.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (11.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (11.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2012.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2012.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2012.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2012.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2012.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2012.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2012.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application opperation. 2022.2 (11.55)
16 f_triggerAction A number representing the trigger action being logged:
  1. Start
  2. Success
  3. Fail
17 f_triggerData If the tigger action is 1 (start), this is the trigger command being executed including its arguments. If the trigger action is 2 (success) or 3 (fail), this is the output of the trigger 2012.1
18 f_triggerType One of:
  • trigger
  • extension
  • bgtask
2020.1 (11.50)
19 f_triggerLapse The time the trigger took to complete 2020.1 (11.50)


Event Type 12

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (12.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (12.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (12.50)
7 f_eventCode A number representing one of:
  1. p4d -j* event
  2. p4d -x* event
  3. Server startup
  4. Server shutdown
  5. Server restart
  6. Error assertion
  7. p4d -G* certificate/fingerprint generation
8 f_eventInfo Either the error message or a description of the command run 2012.1


Event Type 13

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (13.55) 2012.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2012.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2012.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2012.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (13.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (13.50)
7 f_action Always "purge-rev" for this event type 2012.1
8 f_file The depot path of the file revision being obliterated 2012.1
9 f_rev The revision number of the file revision being obliterated 2012.1


Event Type 14

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (14.55) 2013.2
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2013.2
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2013.2
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2013.2
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2013.2
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (14.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (14.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2013.2
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2013.2
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2013.2
10 f_func The command that was run 2013.2
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2013.2
12 f_prog The name the client application 2013.2
13 f_version The version the client application 2013.2
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individula commands into a larger client application opperation. 2022.2 (14.55)
16 f_filesAdded Estimated number of files to be added For sync, this means files sent to the client that aren’t expected on the client For submit, this means files opened for add being sent to the server 2013.2
17 f_filesUpdated Estimated number of files to be updated For sync this means files sent to the client that replace already sync’ed files For submit, this means any files not opened for add being submitted 2013.2
18 f_filesDeleted Estimated number of files to be deleted For sync this means files that have already been sync’ed to the client being removed This is not used by submit or shelve 2013.2
19 f_bytesAdded Estimated bytes of added files to be transferred For sync, this is based on the revision’s server-side size This is not tracked for submit or shelve as the server doesn't know the size of the file in advance 2013.2
20 f_bytesUpdated Estimated bytes of updated files to be transferred For sync, this is based on the revision’s server-side size For submit and shelve the prior revsion’s server-size is used as estimate 2013.2
21 f_bytesDeleted Unused: deletes don’t require any content be transferred 2013.2


Event Type 15

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (15.55) 2013.2
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2013.2
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2013.2
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2013.2
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2013.2
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (15.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (15.50)
7 f_integrityEvent A number representing the type of integrety event being logged:
  1. VerifyResults - Any errors raised by p4 verify
  2. Unload - Table exported to journal file
  3. UnloadResults - The results of a replica comparing an Unload locally vs the upstream server.
  4. ScanStart - A table has begun being checksummed
  5. ScanEnd - A table has finished being checksumed
  6. ScanResults - The results of a replica comparing each chunk of checksummed table
  7. ChangeVerify - A change has been checksummed
  8. ChangeResults - The results of a replica comparing the checksum for a change
  9. TableResults - The results of a replica comparing a tables checksum against one sent from an upstream server
  10. MarkedMissing - raised when the archive of a revision needs to be fetched but the revision is marked as missing
  11. ForceMarkMissing - raised when the archive is known to not exist so the revision record is marked as missing. ‘p4 retype -f -l’ is an example that will raise this event.
8 f_table For integrity events of:
  • Unload (2) and UnloadResults (3), this is the name of the table that was exported to a journal file
  • ScanStart (4), ScanEnd (5), ScanResults (6), and TableResults (9), this the the table being checksummed.
9 f_file For integrity events of:
  • VerifyResults (1), this will be the depot file path of a missing or bad archive file.
  • Unload (2) and UnloadResults (3), this is the name of the journal file that the table that was exported to.
10 f_change For integrity events of:
  • VerifyResults (1), this will be the changelist the missing or bad archive file was submitted on.
  • ChangeVerify (7) and ChangeResults (8), this is the changelist being checksummed
11 f_count For integrity events of:
  • Unload (2), this will be set to 1 if the journal file was compressed or 0 if uncompressed.
  • UnloadResults (3), this is the number of records exported from the table on the replica.
  • ScanStart (4), this the number records per-block to checksum.
  • ScanEnd (5), this the the total number of blocks checksummed.
  • ScanResults (6), this is the expected number of records provided by the upstream server.
  • ChangeVerify (7), this is the number of files in the changelist.
12 f_count2 For an integrity event of Unload (2), this will be set to the server compatibility level that the table was exported with. For an integrity events of ScanResults (6), this is the actual number of records found locally. 2013.2
13 f_checkSum For integrity events of:
  • ScanResults (6), this is the expected checksum provided by the upstream server.
  • ChangeVerify (7), this is the checksum the calculated for the changelist.
  • ChangeResults (8), this is the checksum the replica expects for the changelist.
  • TableResults (9), this is the checksum the replica expects for the table.
14 f_checkSum2 For integrity events of:
  • ScanResults (6), this is the actual checksum calculated locally.
  • ChangeResults (8), this is the actual checksum calculated on the replica for the changelist.
  • TableResults (9), this is the actual checksum of the table on the replica.
15 f_start For integrity events of:
  • ScanResults (6), this is the key to begin the checksum/count at (inclusive of this record).
16 f_end For integrity events of:
  • ScanResults (6), this is the key to end the checksum/count at (exclusive of this record).


Event Type 16

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (16.55) 2015.2
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2015.2
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2015.2
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2015.2
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2015.2
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (16.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (16.50)
7 f_user The user authenticating 2015.2
8 f_host The IP address the user is authenticating for 2015.2
9 f_method One of:
  • no-passwd-sent (error state only)
  • passwd (“perforce” password authentication)
  • ldap (“ldap” authentication)
  • auth-check-sso-ldap-authorize (P4LOGINSSO trigger used with LDAP user extistance check)
  • auth-check (trigger validation of password)
  • service-check (trigger validation of password)
  • auth-check-sso (P4LOGINSSO trigger used)
  • isssue-extension-ticket (issued for sever-side extension)
10 f_result Either:
  • success
  • fail
11 f_reason The failure error message, if result is fail 2015.2


Event Type 17

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (6.55) 2016.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2016.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2016.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2016.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2016.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (6.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (6.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2016.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2016.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2016.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2016.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2016.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2016.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2016.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application opperation. 2022.2 (17.55)
16 f_hops The number of intermediary services the client connected through 2016.1
17 f_route A detailed log of the route through the intermediaries including the service users and IP addresses of each intermediary 2016.1


Event Type 18

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (18.55) 2017.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2017.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2017.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2017.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2017.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (18.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (18.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2017.1
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2017.1
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2017.1
10 f_func The command that was run 2017.1
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2017.1
12 f_prog The name the client application 2017.1
13 f_version The version the client application 2017.1
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (18.55)
16 f_action The action performed on the file revision:
diffdigestdeliver - The file was sent to a proxyfetch
fetch-import grepimportmerge
pack-objects printpurgepush
push-import refreshrevertresolve
17 f_file The file’s depot path 2017.1
18 f_rev The file’s revision number 2017.1
19 f_filesize The size of the file revision in bytes 2017.1


Event Type 19

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (19.55) 2018.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2018.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2018.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2018.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2018.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (19.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (19.50)
7 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
8 f_type The entity being synchronised with LDAP: either “user” or “group” 2018.1
9 f_group The group being synchronised (or empty if type is user) 2018.1
10 f_user The user being synchronised (or empty if type is group or there were no changes to any users during a user synchronisation) 2018.1
11 f_action One of:
12 f_result Either 1 if successful or 0 if there was an error 2018.1
13 f_reason Any error messages from the synchronisation 2018.1


Event Type 20

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (20.55) 2019.1
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2019.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2019.1
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2019.1
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2019.1
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (20.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (20.50)
7 f_targettype One of:
typemap reference - a graph depot ref
repo - a graph depot repo user
8 f_targetid The name/number of the entity 2019.1
9 f_action A string representing the action against the entity 2019.1
10 f_context A JSON formatted key-value pair list of context regarding the action against the entity 2019.1


Event Type 21

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (21.55) 2019.2 (21.49)
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2019.2 (21.49)
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2019.2 (21.49)
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2019.2 (21.49)
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2019.2 (21.49)
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (21.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (21.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2019.2 (21.49)
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2019.2 (21.49)
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2019.2 (21.49)
10 f_func The command that was run 2019.2 (21.49)
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2019.2 (21.49)
12 f_prog The name the client application 2019.2 (21.49)
13 f_version The version the client application 2019.2 (21.49)
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
2019.2 (21.49)
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2019.2 (21.55)
16 f_trackType Always “remote” for this event type 2019.2 (21.49)
17 f_address The P4PORT of the remote depot server 2022.2 (21.49)
18 f_pipeTime Time spent requesting remote data in milliseconds 2019.2 (21.49)
19 f_pipeProbes The number of remote data requests 2019.2 (21.49)
20 f_pipeRows The number of records transferred 2019.2 (21.49


Event Type 22

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (22.55) 2019.2 (22.49)
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2019.2 (22.49)
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2019.2 (22.49)
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2019.2 (22.49)
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2019.2 (22.49)
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (22.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (22.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2019.2 (22.49)
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2019.2 (22.49)
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2019.2 (22.49)
10 f_func The command that was run 2019.2 (22.49)
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2019.2 (22.49)
12 f_prog The name the client application 2019.2 (22.49)
13 f_version The version the client application 2019.2 (22.49)
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
2019.2 (22.49)
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (22.55)
16 f_trackType Always “serverlocks” for this event type 2019.2 (22.49)
17 f_lockTarget The server or entity type being locked 2019.2 (22.49)
18 f_lockName The name of the server lock being taken Note: multiple events of this type might be produced per command, one for each serverlock taken. 2019.2 (22.49)
19 f_lockType One of:
  • W - write lock/exclusive lock
  • R - read lock/shared lock
2019.2 (22.49)
20 f_totalLockWaitRead The total time spent waiting for read locks on this serverlock file 2019.2 (22.49)
21 f_totalLockHeldRead The total time spent holding read locks on this serverlock file 2019.2 (22.49)
22 f_totalLockWaitWrite The greatest time spent waiting for a read lock on this serverlock file 2019.2 (22.49)
23 f_totalLockHeldWrite The greatest time spent holding a read lock on this serverlock file 2019.2 (22.49)


Event Type 23

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (23.55) 2019.2 (23.49)
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2019.2 (23.49)2012.1
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2019.2 (23.49)
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2019.2 (23.49)
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2019.2 (23.49)
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2020.1 (23.50)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (23.50)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2019.2 (23.49)
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2019.2 (23.49)
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2019.2 (23.49)
10 f_func The command that was run 2019.2 (23.49)
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2019.2 (23.49)
12 f_prog The name the client application 2019.2 (23.49)
13 f_version The version the client application 2019.2 (23.49)
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
2019.2 (23.49)
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (23.55)
16 f_attempts Number of lock attempts tried prior to blocking 2019.2 (23.49)


Event Type 24

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (24.57) 2021.2 (24.53)
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2021.2 (24.53)
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2021.2 (24.53)
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2021.2 (24.53)
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2021.2 (24.53)
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2021.2 (24.53)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2021.2 (24.53)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2021.2 (24.53)
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2021.2 (24.53)
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2021.2 (24.53)
10 f_func The command that was run 2021.2 (24.53)
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2021.2 (24.53)
12 f_prog The name the client application 2021.2 (24.53)
13 f_version The version the client application 2021.2 (24.53)
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
2021.2 (24.53)
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2022.2 (24.55)
16 f_trackType Always “lbr” for this event type 2021.2 (24.53)
17 f_lbrType The type of archive file. One of:
Rcs Binary
Db Compress
Tempobj Purged
CompTempobj Uncompress
Script GraphPackRaw
Note: multiple events of this type might be produced per command if multiple archive file types were operated upon.
2021.2 (24.53)
18 f_opens Archive files opened 2021.2 (24.53)
19 f_closes Archive files closed 2021.2 (24.53)
20 f_checkins Archive files updated 2021.2 (24.53)
21 f_exists Existance checks for archive files 2021.2 (24.53)
22 f_reads Reads from archive files 2021.2 (24.53)
23 f_readbytes Bytes read from archive files 2021.2 (24.53)
24 f_writes Writes to archive files 2021.2 (24.53)
25 f_writebytes Bytes writtten to archive files 2021.2 (24.53)
26 f_digests Archive file digests 2021.2 (24.53)
27 f_filesizes Archive file filesize checks 2021.2 (24.53)
28 f_modtimes Archive file modtime checks 2021.2 (24.53)
29 f_copies Archive file copies 2021.2 (24.53)
30 f_deletes Deletes of archive files 2021.2 (24.53)
31 f_s3uploads Archive file uploads to S3 2023.2 (25.57)
32 f_s3downloads Archive file downloads from S3 2023.2 (25.57)
33 f_s3deletes Archive file deleted from S3 2023.2 (25.57)
34 f_s3stats Archive file info queries from S3 2023.2 (25.57)


Event Type 25

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (25.57) 2023.2 (25.57)
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2023.2 (25.57)
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2023.2 (25.57)
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2023.2 (25.57)
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2023.2 (25.57)
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2023.2 (25.57)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (25.57)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2023.2 (25.57)
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2023.2 (25.57)
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2023.2 (25.57)
10 f_func The command that was run 2023.2 (25.57)
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2023.2 (25.57)
12 f_prog The name the client application 2023.2 (25.57)
13 f_version The version the client application 2023.2 (25.57)
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
2023.2 (25.57)
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2023.2 (25.57)
16 f_sendClientFiles The number of files the client sent 2023.2 (25.57)
17 f_recvClientFiles The number of files the client received 2023.2 (25.57)
18 f_sendClientBytes The total size of files the client sent in bytes 2023.2 (25.57)
19 f_recvClientBytes The total size of files the client received in bytes 2023.2 (25.57)


Event Type 26

Column Name Description Introduced In Release
0 f_eventtype The event type, including the version number (26.57) 2023.2 (26.57)
1 f_timestamp The time the event was logged (seconds from epoch) 2023.2 (26.57)
2 f_timestamp2 The time the event was logged (nano-seconds to be added to the f_timestamp) 2023.2 (26.57)
3 f_date The time the event was logged (human readable date) 2023.2 (26.57)
4 f_pid The process ID (or Thread ID on Windows) from which the event was logged 2023.2 (26.57)
5 f_cmdident The command’s unique identifier (identical across servers for multi-server commands) 2023.2 (26.57)
6 f_serverid The server ID of the server logging the event 2020.1 (26.57)
7 f_cmdno The Nth command run on the connection 2023.2 (26.57)
8 f_user The user who ran the command 2023.2 (26.57)
9 f_client The client the command ran in the context of 2023.2 (26.57)
10 f_func The command that was run 2023.2 (26.57)
11 f_host The IP address the client connected from, potentially including the IP address of an intermediary service, such as a P4Proxy server or P4Broker 2023.2 (26.57)
12 f_prog The name the client application 2023.2 (26.57)
13 f_version The version the client application 2023.2 (26.57)
14 f_args The arguments provided to the command:
  • Arguments are separated by “:”
  • Argument truncation can occur
  • The following characters are encoded: :%,"'
2023.2 (26.57)
15 f_cmdgroup The client-provided command group, used to group individual commands into a larger client application operation 2023.2 (26.57)
16 f_sendCacheFiles The number of files the proxy sent 2023.2 (26.57)
17 f_recvCacheFiles The number of files the proxy received 2023.2 (26.57)
18 f_sendCacheBytes The total size of files the proxy sent in bytes 2023.2 (26.57)
19 f_recvCacheBytes The total size of files the proxy received in bytes 2023.2 (26.57)