Disk space allocation

Disk space usage by Helix Core Server depends on these factors:

Factor Description
Number and size of client workspacesClosed

The size of the files that your users need in their client workspaces at any one time.

Size of server database of metadataClosed

Approximately 0.5 kilobytes per user per file. For example, a system with 10,000 files and 50 users initially requires 250 MB of disk space for the database. However, the database grows larger over time because the histories of the individual files grows over time.

The db.have file holds the list of files opened in client workspaces. This file tends to grow more rapidly than other files in the database.

If you are experiencing issues related to the size of your db.have file and are unable to quickly switch to a server with adequate support for large files, consider deleting unused client workspace specifications and reducing the scope of client workspace views.

Size of server’s archive of versioned filesClosed

The size of the server’s archive of versioned files depends on the sizes of the original files stored and grows as revisions are added. Allocate sufficient space in your P4ROOT directory to hold at least three times the size of your users' present collection of versioned files, plus an additional 0.5KB per user per file to hold the database files that store the list of depot files, file status, and file revision histories.