Create service user accounts for the commit and edge server

To support secure communication between the commit server and the edge server, create a user account of type service. Although you can use a generic service user name for multiple edge servers, in this example we use a unique service user name for the one edge server.


The steps on this page assume you have logged into the master server as the Helix Core user with the access level of super. See Permission levels and access rights in the p4 protect topic of Helix Core Command-Line (P4) Reference. That user can have any name, but for convenience the examples use super:

p4 -u super login

  1. Create a service user account for the commit server:

    First, issue the command:

    $ p4 -u super user -f svc_chicago_commit

    Then, in the user spec, insert a line that sets the user Type: field to service:

    User: svc_chicago_commit
    Type: service

    Save and close the user spec.

  2. Create service user account for the edge server:

    First, issue the command:

    $ p4 -u super user -f svc_tokyo_edge

    Then, in the user spec, insert a line that sets the user Type: field to service:

    User: svc_tokyo_edge
    Type: service

    Save and close the user spec.

  3. To prevent the service user logins from timing out, add the service users to a group with an unlimited timeout:

    First, issue the command:

    $ p4 -u super group no_timeout

    Then, in the group spec, set the Timeout: field to unlimited

    Add a line under Users: field for svc_chicago_commit

    followed by another line for svc_tokyo_edge

    So that the group spec contains the following:

    Group:	no_timeout
    Timeout:	unlimited

    where ... replaces lines of the spec that do not require changes.

    Save and close the group spec.

  4. Assign passwords to the service user accounts by providing a value at the prompts.

    $ p4 -u super passwd svc_chicago_commit
    $ p4 passwd svc_tokyo_edge
  5. In the protect spec, assign super protections to the svc_chicago_commit and svc_tokyo_edge service users.

    $ p4 -u super protect
    super user svc_chicago_commit * //...
    super user svc_tokyo_edge * //...

Next step

Create commit and edge server configurations