Specifying filenames on the command line

Much of your everyday use of Helix Core Server consists of managing files. You can specify filenames in p4 commands as follows:

  • Local syntax: the file’s name as specified in your local shell or operating system.

    Filenames can be specified using an absolute path (for example, c:\bruno_ws\dev\main\jam\fileos2.c) or a path that is relative to the current directory (for example, .\jam\fileos2.c).

    Relative components (. or ..) cannot be specified following fixed components. For example, mysub/mydir/./here/file.c is invalid, because the dot (.) follows the fixed mysub/mydir components.

  • Depot syntax: use the following format: //depotname/file_path, specifying the pathname of the file relative to the depot root directory. Separate the components of the path using forward slashes. For example: //JamCode/dev/jam/Jambase.
  • Client syntax: use the following format: //workspacename/file_path, specifying the pathname of the file relative to the client root directory. Separate the components of the path using forward slashes. For example: //ona-agave/dev/main/jam/Jambase.

Example   Using different syntaxes to refer to the same file

Local syntax: 

C:\bruno_ws> p4 delete c:\bruno_ws\dev\main\jam\Jambase

Depot syntax: 

C:\bruno_ws> p4 delete //JamCode/dev/jam/Jambase

Client syntax: 

C:\bruno_ws> p4 delete //bruno_ws/dev/main/jam/Jambase