Creating, editing, and deleting a job

To create a job using Helix Core Server’s default job-naming scheme, issue the p4 job command. To assign a name to a new job (or edit an existing job), issue the p4 job jobname command.

Example   Creating a job

Gale discovers a problem with Jam, so she creates a job by issuing the p4 job command and describes it as follows:

Job:    job000006

Status: open

User:   gale

Date:   2011/11/14 17:12:21

        MAXLINE can't account for expanded cmd buffer size.

The following table describes the fields in the default job specification:

Field Name Description Default


The name of the job (white space is not allowed). By default, Helix Core Server assigns job names using a numbering scheme (jobnnnnnn).

Last job number +1


  • open: job has not yet been fixed.
  • closed: job has been completed.
  • suspended: job is not currently being worked on.



The user to whom the job is assigned, usually the person assigned to fix this particular problem.

Helix Core Server user name of the job creator.


The date the job was last modified.

Updated by Helix Core Server when you save the job.


Describes the work being requested, for example a bug description or request for enhancement.

None. You must enter a description.

To edit existing jobs, specify the job name when you issue the p4 job command: p4 job jobname. Enter your changes in the job form, save the form and exit.

To delete a job, issue the p4 job -d jobname command.