Use wildcards in workspace views

To map groups of files in workspace views, you use Helix Core Server wildcards. Any wildcard used on the depot side of a mapping must be matched with an identical wildcard in the mapping’s client side. You can use the following wildcards to specify mappings in your client workspace:

Wildcard Description


Matches anything except slashes. Matches only within a single directory. Case sensitivity depends on your platform.


Matches anything including slashes. Matches recursively (everything in and below the specified directory).

%%1 - %%9

Positional specifiers for substring rearrangement in filenames.

In the following simple workspace view, all files in the depot’s dev stream are mapped to the corresponding locations in the client workspace:

//JamCode/dev/... //bruno_ws/dev/...

For example, the file //JamCode/dev/jam/Makefile is mapped to the workspace file C:\bruno_ws\dev\jam\Makefile.


To avoid mapping unwanted files, always precede the ... wildcard with a forward slash.

The mappings in workspace views always refer to the locations of files and directories in the depot; you cannot refer to specific revisions of a file in a workspace view.