Delete files

To delete files from the depot, you open them for delete by issuing the p4 delete command, then submit the changelist in which they are open. When you delete a file from the depot, previous revisions remain, and a new head revision is added, marked as “deleted.” You can still sync previous revisions of the file.

When you issue the p4 delete command, the files are deleted from your workspace but not from the depot. If you revert files that are open for delete, they are restored to your workspace. When you successfully submit the changelist in which they are open, the files are deleted from the depot.

Example:  Delete a file from the depot

Bruno deletes vendor.doc from the depot as follows:

C:\bruno_ws\dev> p4 delete //Acme/dev/docs/manuals/vendor.doc
//Acme/dev/docs/manuals/vendor.doc#1 - opened for delete

The file is deleted from the client workspace immediately, but it is not deleted from the depot until he issues the p4 submit command.