Log in to the shared server

Typically, your administrator starts up a shared server for you. If you need to start up your own shared server, see Start up a shared server.

Your admin provides you with a user id, a password, and the server’s address. You then follow these steps:

  1. Set the P4PORT environment variable to the server address the admin gave you.

    Suppose the server is running as server1 on port 1666. To enable the client to communicate with the server, set the client’s P4PORT variable to server1:1666.

    On UNIX and macOS

    $ export P4PORT=server1:1666

    On Windows

    $ p4 set P4PORT=server1:1666
  2. Log in to the server with the p4 login command.

    $ p4 login

    Helix Core Server displays the following:

    Enter password:
  3. Enter the password your admin gave you.

    Helix Core Server displays the following:

    User bruno logged in.