p4 opened

List files that are open in pending changelists.


p4 [g-opts] opened [-a -c change] [-C workspace] [-u user -m max -s -g] [file ...]
p4 [g-opts] opened [-a -x] [-m max] [file ...]

Syntax conventions


This command also works with openable stream specifications. See -So in Options.

Use p4 opened to list files that are currently open via p4 add, p4 edit, p4 delete, or p4 integrate. By default, all open files in the current client workspace are listed. You can use command line arguments to list only those files in a particular pending changelist, to show open files in all pending changelists, to limit the number of files displayed, or to limit the files opened for a particular user.

If file specifications are provided as arguments to p4 opened, only those files that match the file specifications are included in the report.

The information displayed for each opened file includes the file’s name, its location in the depot, the revision number that the file was last synced to, the number of the changelist under which the file was opened, the operation it is opened for (add, edit, delete, branch, move/add, move/delete, integrate, import, purge, or archive), and the type of the file. The output for each file looks like this:

depot-file#rev - actionchnum change (type) [lock-status]


  • depot-file is the path in depot syntax
  • rev is the revision number
  • action is the operation the file was open for: add, edit, delete, branch, or integrate
  • chnum is the number of the submitting changelist
  • type is the type of the file at the given revision.
  • If the file is locked (see p4 lock), a warning that it is *locked* appears at the line’s end
  • Files with filetypes that use the +l modifier are exclusively-locked (see the example for p4 typemap) and are displayed with a lock status of *exclusive*.

You can use the -s option to provide shortened output that omits the #rev number and the (type) of the file. This form of the command typically runs faster than the default.

The -u option limits output to files opened by a particular user. Otherwise, the command applies to all users.

The -g option lists files that are opened on a commit server in a multi-server installation.

The following examples show how user details are included in command output. In the following, information is about the current workspace and the current user is not identified. However, other users with files opened are identified.

p4 opened
//depot/file-1.txt#1 - edit default change (text) by adam@scratch
//depot/file-2.txt#1 - edit default change (text)

In this example, which asks for all workspaces, user names are always displayed:

p4 opened -a
//depot/file-1.txt#1 - edit default change (text) by adam@scratch
//depot/file-2.txt#1 - edit default change (text) by normal@scratch



List the opened files of the server on which the command is run.

-c change

List the files in pending changelist change. To list files in the default changelist, use p4 opened -c default.

-C workspace

List only files that are open in the specified client workspace.


List files that are opened on the commit server in a multi-server installation. This allows a user on an edge server to track files that might be locked globally on the commit server. Because the command query runs on the commit server, if you provide a file spec argument, it must be in depot syntax. The -g option implies the -a option. See p4 lock -g

-m max

List only the first max open files.


Short output; do not output the revision number or file type. This option is more efficient, particularly when using the -a (all-workspaces) option at large sites.

-u user

List only those files that were opened by user.

Note that this option lists files opened in any workspace for the specified user name, not just the current workspace.


In multi-server environments, list all open files that have the +l filetype (exclusive open) over all servers. This option implies the -a option.

-So Can be used with -c change to list the stream spec that is currently opened for edit. By default, if -So is omitted, the opened stream spec will be listed before the list of files. If no stream spec is opened for edit, no stream spec will be listed.


See Global options.

Usage notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




  • Helix Core Server does not prevent users from opening already open files. Instead, Helix Core Server, by default, allows multiple users to edit the file simultaneously, and then resolve file conflicts with p4 resolve. To determine whether or not another user already has a particular file opened, use p4 opened -a file.
  • Locked files appear in the output of p4 opened with an indication of *locked*. On UNIX, you can find all locked files you have open with the following command:

    p4 opened | grep "*locked*"

    This lists all open files you have locked with p4 lock.

  • p4 opened -a can have a performance impact on large sites. Unless you need the exact revision number or file type of an opened file, the best practice is to use p4 opened -as.
  • p4 opened does not show files in shelved changelists. To display shelved changelists, use p4 changes -s shelved, and then use p4 describe -s -S changelist to display the files in the selected changelist(s).


p4 opened -c 35 //depot/main/...

List all files in pending changelist 35 that lie under the depot’s main subdirectory.

p4 opened -a -c default

List all opened files in the default changelists for all client workspaces.

p4 opened -u maria List the opened files of the specified user in any workspace on the server.