p4 integrated

Show integrations that have been submitted.


p4 [g-opts] integrated [-b branchname [-r]] [-s change | -m max] [--into-only] file ...

Syntax conventions


The p4 integrated command shows the integration history of the selected files, and uses this format:

file#revision-range - integrate-action partner-file#revision-range


  • file is the file argument provided to p4 integrated
  • partner-file is the file it was integrated from or into
  • integrate-action describes what the user did during the p4 resolve process, and is one of the following:

    Integrate Action Resolve Process

    add into

    file was integrated into previously nonexistent partner-file, and partner-file was reopened for add before submission.

    add from

    file was integrated from a deleted partner-file, and partner-file was reopened for add (that is, someone restored a deleted file by syncing back to a pre-deleted revision and adding the file).

    branch from

    file did not previously exist; it was created as a copy of partner-file.

    branch into

    partner-file did not previously exist; it was created as a copy of file.

    merge from

    file was integrated from partner-file, accepting merge.

    merge into

    file was integrated into partner-file, accepting merge.

    moved from

    file was integrated from partner-file, accepting theirs and deleting the original.

    moved into

    file was integrated into partner-file, accepting theirs and creating partner-file if it did not previously exist.

    copy from

    file was integrated from partner-file, accepting theirs.

    copy into

    file was integrated into partner-file, accepting theirs.


    file was integrated from partner-file, accepting yours.

    ignored by

    file was integrated into partner-file, accepting yours.

    delete from

    file was integrated from partner-file, and partner-file had been previously deleted.

    delete into

    file was integrated into partner-file, and file had been previously deleted.

    edit from

    file was integrated from partner-file, and file was edited within the p4 resolve process. This allows you to determine whether the change should ever be integrated back; automated changes (merge from) needn’t be, but original user edits (edit from) performed during the resolve should be.

    edit into

    file was integrated into partner-file, and partner-file was reopened for edit before submission.


    the resulting revision has "undid" the edited changes (content and history) from the previously submitted revision(s).

    Revision #4 "undid" Revision #3:

    This is one of the two actions of p4 undo.

    undone by

    the previous revision(s) have been "undone by" the resulting revision, known as the "undone" revision.

    Revision #4 was "undone" by Revision #3:

    This is one of the two actions of p4 undo.

Add w/ Edit, Merge w/ Edit and Undone w/Edit are possible, but best practice is only one action per changelist.

If a file toFile was ever integrated from a file fromFile, and both toFile and fromFile match the p4 integratedfilepattern argument, each integrated action is listed twice in the p4 integrated output: once in its from form, and once in its into form, as described above.

If the optional -b branch option is used, only files integrated from the source to target files in the branch view are shown.

If the optional -r option is provided, the mappings in the branch view are reversed. This option requires the use of the -b branch option.

To make it easier to show where a change has been integrated to, consider using the -s and --into-only options.


-b branchname

Lists only files integrated from the source to target files in the branch view. Qualified files are listed, even if they were integrated without using the branch view.


Reverses the mappings in the branch view, swapping the target files and source files. The -b branch flag is required.

-s change Lists the integrations from the specified change forward toward the present.
-m max Lists only the max most recent integrations. The output is sorted by descending change number. This option cannot be used with -s option.
--into-only Lists only integrations from this path into other paths, not integrations from other paths into this one, or changes ignored by the target path.


See Global options.

Usage notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




  • When using tagged output with p4 integrated be warned that the toFile and fromFile values will be the opposite of how they are presented in the non-tagged output. The following example shows how the output varies:

    p4 integrated //depot/main/revisions.h
    //depot/main/revisions.h#1 - add into //depot/dev/revisions.h#1
    p4 -ztag integrated //depot/main/revisions.h
    ... toFile //depot/main/revisions.h
    ... fromFile //depot/dev/revisions.h
    ... startToRev #none
    ... endToRev #1
    ... startFromRev #none
    ... endFromRev #1
    ... how add into
    ... change 12345

    See Global options for information on how to enable tagged output.

Related commands

To see a list of integrations that have not yet been resolved

p4 resolve -n

To view a list of integrations that have been resolved but not yet submitted

p4 resolved

To perform an integration

p4 integrate

To view the actions taken for all revisions of a particular file (including all the files from which that particular file was integrated)

p4 filelog [-i] file