p4 failback

After a failover with master server participation, fail back to restore the previous role of that master server.


p4 failback [-y] [ -w quiesce_wait ] [ -v verification_time ] [ failback_message ]

Syntax conventions


After a failover (see Failover in the Helix Core Server Administration Documentation) in which the master participated, p4 failback can reestablish the relationship between the master server and the standby server to what it was prior to failover. See the prerequisites and procedure for Failback after failover in the Helix Core Server Administration Documentation.



Perform the failback operation. Without this option, p4 failback merely reports what it would do.

Carefully consider the report of what failback would do BEFORE you include the -y option and launch the operation. During the failback process, end-user clients cannot issue commands against the server.

-v Specifies the verificationTime as a number of seconds prior to the launch of the failback command. The default value of 300 seconds means that any file content that was updated from 1 - 300 seconds prior to launch of failback will be verified. This is to ensure that this file content will be correct when the failback process completes on the new master server. The failback command proceeds as soon as it has determined that the new master server has received correct file content. The legal range is between 0 (no verification) and 43200 seconds (12 hours).


The waiting period in seconds for commands in the master server to complete. At the end of this quiesceWait period, all user commands, regardless of their activity, will be stalled.

If -w is not specified, the default quiesceWait value is 60

You can set the waiting period to any integer value between 0 (immediate) and 3600 seconds (1 hour).

To cancel the failback during the quiesceWait period, press Ctrl-C


The text to display to end-users during the failback operation when end-users attempt to start new commands on the master server. The default message is:

Server currently in failback mode, try again after failback has completed

The failbackMessage must be the final argument specified in the p4 failback command. For example,

p4 failback -w 90 -v 500 -y The Perforce server is undergoing scheduled maintenance

and quotation marks are not required.


See Global options

Usage notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required




Related commands

Fail over to a standby server p4 failover
Failback options in the Helix Core Server Administration Documentation that are used in that Guide's procedure for
Failback after failover in the Helix Core Server Administration Documentation.
p4d -Fm

p4d -Fs