Syntax conventions

Helix Core documentation uses the following conventions for command-line syntax.

Notation Meaning

Example of Syntax and Command


Must be used in the command exactly as shown.

p4 revert -So
p4 revert -So


A parameter for which you must supply specific information.

p4 user -d username

p4 user -d msmith

-a -b or --a --b

Both elements are required.

p4 renameuser --from=old --to=new

p4 rename msmith mjones

[-a -b]

Any combination of the enclosed elements is allowed and none of the elements are required. Omit the brackets when you compose the command.

p4 delete  [-n -k -v]  file ... 
p4 delete readme.txt

[-a | -b]

Exactly one of the enclosed elements is allowed and none of the elements are required. Omit the brackets when you compose the command.

p4  group [-a | -A] groupname
p4 group admins

{-a | -b}

Exactly one of the enclosed elements is required. Omit the curly braces when you compose the command.

p4 bgtask {-e command | -t triggerName}
          p4 bgtask -t fileSizeCheckTrigger


Previous argument can be repeated.

... has a different meaning for directories. See Wildcards.

p4 [g-opts] streamlog [ -l -L -t -m max ] stream1 ...
p4 streamlog //project1/s1 //project1/s2