Putting it all together

Combining the various elements allows you to build aliases.

  • Make a new task stream

    If your streams are stored in the depot named //stream, here’s how you would make a new task stream:

    newTaskStream $(task) $(parent) = stream -o -t task -P //stream/$(parent) \
                                //stream/$task) > $(streamSpec) &&
                                stream -i < $(streamSpec) &&
                                populate -r -S //stream/$(task) &&
                                client -s -S //stream/$(task) &&

    Then switching to a new stream becomes simple:

    $ p4 newTaskStream job084103 bp-dev
  • Delete a stream permanently with p4 obliterate

    delete-stream $(branch) = stream -d //stream/$(branch) &&
                            obliterate -y //stream/$(branch)...
  • Make an alias of an alias

    checkout = sync
    commit = submit
    co  = checkout
    cmt = commit