p4 describe (graph)

Display a commit description.


p4 describe -n //repo/name [-a -doptions -s] sha

Syntax conventions


Display information about the specified commit.

  • Specify the repo name after -n
  • sha is the corresponding sha1 of the commit


For commits that include a submodule version change, see example for submodule .



Display the content of added files in addition to diff of updated files.


Passes one or more options to the built-in diff routine to modify the output


Display a shortened output that excludes the diffs of the files that were updated.

The diff options supported by p4 describe are:

Option Name


RCS output format, showing additions and deletions made to the file and associated line ranges.


context output format, showing line number ranges and num lines of context around the changes.


summary output format, showing only the number of chunks and lines added, deleted, or changed.


unified output format, showing added and deleted lines with num lines of context, in a form compatible with the patch(1) utility.


ignore line-ending (CR/LF) convention when finding diffs


ignore changes made within whitespace; this option implies -dl.


ignore whitespace altogether; this option implies -dl.

Usage Notes

Can File Arguments Use Revision Specifier? Can File Arguments Use Revision Range? Minimal Access Level Required



list protection on path


p4 describe -n //repo/name SHA1

where SHA1 represents the commit SHA1 that is created after the submit occurs. A changelist that is pending does not yet have a SHA1.

example for submodule

If the commit includes a submodule version change, p4 describe includes the submodule commit-sha values for before and after the version change in the submodule. Suppose that:

  • we have a repo for main, and another repo for a submodule within main

  • the main repo has a commit for an update to the submodule

The output of p4 describe on the main commit includes two commit-sha values that pertain to the submodule:

$ p4 describe -n //repo/platform/main 2c3e8c266e698b5b8f820090925d660
commit 2c3e8c266e698b5b8f820090925d660
Author: maria <maria@company.com>
Date: 2021/09/11 15:09:53
Affected files ...
//repo/platform/main/lib/utils (edit)
Differences ...
==== //repo/platform/main/lib/utils (Submodule) ====

where #6fa3f5d92439dfa23616385ef72fd60397204 is the submodule commit-sha for before the current commit in main, and #4169ea6176af01fb9ef3b6fc3b5ecf617df80 is the submodule commit-sha for after the current commit in main.