Naming conventions

  • Clients, depots, labels, and branches may not have the same name.
  • The following names are reserved and cannot be used to name anything: head, have, none.

The following table provides some suggestions:

Object Naming convention


Best to name them.


The following scheme is commonly used, but not enforced in any way. Use it if it suits your purpose.



user is the OS user. machineTag is the host name or something that describes the host, for example Win7VM or P4MBPro (for MacBook Pro).

Whether you use product or product.branch depends on whether your workspace gets re-purposed from stream to stream, in which case use product), or you have multiple workspaces, one for each branch, in which case use product.branch to tie the workspace name to the branch.


Best to keep the names short.

Depot names are part of an organization hierarchy for all your digital assets, so naming them and planning directory structure is especially important.


Name jobs to match your external defect tracker issues: for example, PRJ-1234 for JIRA issues.


Label names are site-dependent and might vary with code management schemes and versioning needs. For example R-3.2.0 might refer to release 3.2.0.