Step 4: Configure an administrative user in Helix Core Visual Client (P4V) for Windows | Admin
If you installed Helix Core Server for Linux, go to Configure security instead.
If you installed Helix Core Server for Windows, finish configuring that account as an administrative user in P4V.
In P4V, log in using the username you created when installing the server.
In the Open Connection dialog box, click New next to User
In the New User dialog box, enter information for the user you created when installing the server and click Save.
In the Open Connection dialog box, click OK.
When prompted to automatically check for new P4V versions and contribute anonymous user data, click Yes or No based on your preference.
In the P4V window, click Tools > Administration. Helix Core Visual Admin Client (P4Admin), the Helix Core Server administration tool, opens.
When prompted about becoming the only user with superuser access, click Yes. This is the only user who can use P4Admin.
What's next
Next, use P4Admin to configure security.
Go to Step 5: Configure security.