Create the main stream

Now that your server knows how to handle different file types, we are ready to create our first stream and workspace.

What is Perforce Streams?

The purpose of Perforce Streams is to allow certain users to collaborate on files, sharing those through Helix Core without affecting users in other streams.

A streams depot uses “Streams” to organize the different branches of your project. For a small team, you may just use one main stream, but as you grow, you will likely create multiple streams branching off from that main one.

Streams Example

For example, you may have your artists working in an art stream while your developers are working on some complicated automation in a development stream.

Your artists won’t be distracted by the development work while it is in progress because the two streams are using separate versions of the files. Once the development work is stable and ready for the artists to use, then you can copy/merge the files from the development stream into the art stream and the artists will now see those changes.

Create the main stream

Let’s keep it simple and create a main stream called "main" so we can put our files in it and begin working.

  1. In P4V, go to the Stream Graph tab on the right.


    If you don’t see it, you can open the Stream Graph through View menu, or by clicking on the + icon to the left of the other tabs, or by pressing Alt + 7.

  2. Make sure your project’s depot is selected in the Depot: drop-down menu.

  3. Right-click in an empty space in the Stream Graph on the right side and select New Stream... (or press Ctrl + N).

  4. Fill in the stream info:

    1. Give your stream a name (for example, "main").

    2. Make sure the Stream type is set to mainline.

    3. Double check that your Depot: is set correctly.

    4. (Optional) Add a description of the stream.

    5. Uncheck both the "Create a workspace..." and "Populate..." options at the bottom. We will do this manually in the next step.

  5. Click OK. You will now see your new stream in the Stream Graph.