Syntax highlighting support
Helix TeamHub supports syntax highlighting for a large number of languages.
Supported languages are listed in alphabetical order, click to view:
ABAP ActionScript Ada Apache Apex API Blueprint AppleScript ArmAsm Augeas Awk B:
Batchfile BBCBasic BibTex BIML BPF Brainf*ck BrightScript C:
1C (BSL) C Ceylon CFScript Clean Clojure CMake CMHG CoffeeScript Common Lisp Config File Console Coq C++ Crystal C# CSS csvs CUDA Cypher Cython D:
D Dart Datastudio diff digdag Docker DOT E:
ECL EEX Eifel Elixir Elm EPP ERB Erlang Escape F:
Factor Fortran FreeFEM FSharp G:
GDScript GHC Cmm (C--) GHC Core Gherkin GLSL Go Gradle Graphql Groovy H:
Hack Haml Handlebars Haskell Haxe Hashicorp Configuration Language HLSL HOCON HQL HTML HTTP HyLang I:
IDL IgorPro INI Io Irb Irb_output ISBL |
Janet Java JavaScript Jinja JSL JSON Json-doc Jsonnet Jsp JSX Julia K:
Kotlin L:
Lasso Liquid Literate CoffeeScript Literate Haskell LiveScript LLVM Lua Lustre Lutin M:
M68k Magik Make Markdown Mason Mathematica MATLAB MiniZinc MoonScript Mosel MessageTrans MXML N:
Nasm NesAsm nginx Nim Nix O:
Objective-C Objective-C++ OCaml OpenEdge ABL OpenType Feature File P:
Pascal Perl PHP Plain Text Plist Pony powershell Praat Prolog Prometheus .properties Protobuf Puppet Python Q:
R Racket ReasonML Rego Robot Framework Ruby Rust S:
SAS Sass Scala Scheme SCSS sed shell Sieve Slice Slim Smalltalk Smarty SML Solidity SPARQL SQF SQL SSH Config File SuperCollider Swift T:
TAP Tcl Terraform TeX TOML TSX TTCN3 Tulip Turtle/TriG Twig TypeScript V:
Vala Visual Basic VCL: Varnish Configuration Language Velocity Verilog and System Verilog VHDL 2008 VimL Vue W:
Wollok X:
XML Xojo XPath XQuery Y:
Zig |