Issue tracking

Issues are associated with milestones. Before you can create an issue, you need to create at least one milestone.

The Issues view provides a list view of all issues. You can:

  • Filter this view by milestone, state, priority, label, due date, or assignee.
  • Switch between a list view and a card view that shows progress similar to a Kanban board.
  • Add an issue.
  • Click the title of an existing issue to view and edit issue details.

Add an issue

  1. At the project scope, in the left pane, click Issues.
  2. In the Issues view, click the plus icon Add icon.
  3. In the New issue form, do the following:

    • Title: Provide a descriptive title.
    • Description: Optional, enter more details that describe the issue.
    • Milestone: Select the milestone with which you want to associate the issue.
    • State: Select the initial state of the issue. By default, this is OPEN.
    • Priority: Select the priority level. By default, this is LOW.
  4. Optional: assign one or more users to the issue by selecting them from the Assignees drop down. Click Assign to me to assign the issue to yourself. To delete an assignee from the issue, click the x next their name.
  5. Optional: do one of the following to apply labels to the issue:

    • If the project has labels associated, click Select labels and then select the label you want to apply.
    • If the project does not have any labels associated, click Create new labels and proceed with step a below.

      If you want to add additional labels, click Manage labels and proceed with step a below.

      Only users with admin or manager roles can create and manage labels.

      1. In the Manage labels form, enter a label name. If the label exists, TeamHub displays it below the field. If the label does not exist, proceed to the next step.
      2. Click Add <label name> as a new label. The new label appears with a colored background below the search field.
      3. To modify the label's background color, click the drop-down arrow next to the label name and select a different color.
      4. To close the Manage labels form, click the x at the top right or click anywhere in the window, outside of the form.
  6. Optional: select a due date for the issue from the Due date drop down. If required, specify a time on the selected due date. The default time is 12:00 am on the selected date.
  7. Optional: to associate the issue with an existing branch or a to create a new Git branch for the issue:

    1. Click Link branches to this issue.
    2. In the Linked branches form, from the Repository list, select a repository.
    3. From the Branches list, do one of the following to link a branch to the issue:
      • To link to an existing branch, select the branch from the list.
      • To link to a new Git branch, search for a branch name that doesn't already exist in the repo and click Create branch when prompted.
    4. Click Save.
  8. Click Create or, to add more issues, click the drop-down arrow and select Create and add another issue.

Edit an issue

You can edit an issue to add comments and labels, modify the description, due date, or linked branches, change the assignee, add an attachment, or change the state, priority, or milestone.

To add a comment:

  • On the Discussion tab, enter a comment in the text box and click Comment.

    Comments support Markdown formatting.

To apply or add a label:

  1. In the right pane, next to Labels, click the pencil icon Pencil icon.
  2. Do one of the following:

    • If the project already includes the label you want to apply, click the label name to assign it to the issue. Then click the green check mark Green check mark to save the selection.
    • To add a new label:

      Only users with admin or manager roles can create and manage labels.

      1. Click Manage labels.
      2. In the Manage labels form, enter a label name.
      3. Click Add <label name> as new label.
      4. To close the form, click the x icon at the top right or anywhere outside of the form.

        The label you created is now selected.

      5. Click the green check mark Green check mark to save this selection.

To assign an issue to yourself:

  • In the right pane, move the pointer over Assignee and click Assign to me.

To assign an issue to someone else:

  1. In the right pane, next to Assignee, click the assignee icon Assignee icon.
  2. In the Manage assignees form, click the name of an assignee or enter the assignee name in the search field.
  3. Click Save.

To delete an assignee from the issue:

  1. Click the x next the name of the assignee you want to delete from the issue.
  2. Click Save.

To specify or change the due date:

  1. In the right pane, next to Due date, click the pencil icon Pencil icon.
  2. In the Set due date form, select a date.
  3. Optional: specify a time. The default time is 12:00 am on the selected date.
  4. Click Save.

To specify a linked branch:

  1. In the right pane, next to Linked branches, the pencil icon Pencil icon.
  2. In the Linked branches form, select a repository and a branch.
  3. Click Save.

To add an attachment:

  1. Click the paperclip icon in the top right.
  2. In the Open dialog, browse to the file you want to attach and click Open.

To change the priority, state, or milestone:

  • From the respective drop-down list at the top, select a different priority, state, or milestone.