Limitations with Helix authentication

Helix TeamHub is integrated with Helix Core Server. If your TeamHub instance is configured to use Helix authentication, you can manage repositories and kick off reviews using the TeamHub user interface.

Helix authentication implies that part of the configuration and management happens in Helix Core Server. As a result, some elements in the TeamHub UI have been removed or disabled and others have been added, as detailed in the following table.

Entity Change Helix Core Server Documentation (where applicable)

Installation type

  • Helix authentication for Git is not supported by Helix TeamHub Cloud plans.

  • Helix authentication is only supported by TeamHub on-premise installations.



Removed the Collaborators view and ability to view or add collaborators in Team view



Disabled ability to change a bot's short name



Added ability to:

Removed ability to:

  • Archive repositories

  • Fork native Git repositories
  • Rename Git repositories stored in Helix Core Server
  • Create SVN, Mercurial, WebDav, Ivy, Maven, and Docker repositories
  • Configure the garbage collection feature for Git repositories managed by Helix Core Server

    Git repositories managed by Helix Core Server do not require garbage collection because they do not store data on the disk where the TeamHub instance resides.


Company settings

  • Authentication tab: Disabled ability to configure SAML authentication

With Helix authentication, TeamHub supports only one company per instance. Company creation is disabled.