Configuring Helix Core Server extensions

Helix Core Server provides extensions to customize server operations or invoke additional processing for specific versioning operations. Helix TeamHub extensions notify TeamHub about activity on the Helix Core Server. When extensions are configured, any pushes to graph depots or any submits to stream depots are visible as events in the TeamHub Activity view.

You can easily install, view the status of, and remove extensions using the TeamHub admin UI. Extensions are installed on the Helix Core Server that TeamHub is configured to connect to.

Configuring extensions requires that you already have an admin bot account. For more information on setting up an admin bot account, see Bots and programmatic repository access.

Extensions require Helix Core Server 2019.2 or later. If you are using an earlier version of Helix Core Server, you must use triggers and not extensions.

  1. Log in to the Helix TeamHub admin UI.

  2. Click Helix Extensions.

    The Configure Helix Core Server Extensions page opens.

  3. Make any changes to the Helix TeamHub properties and extensions.

Helix TeamHub properties

In the Helix TeamHub properties, you can set the URL for the Helix TeamHub instance and select the account key for the company admin bot used by Helix Core Server to perform authenticated calls.

  • URL - The hostname of the TeamHub instance. If the hostname is not configured or you need to change it, click Preferences in the left pane.
  • Account key - The company-admin bot that will generate events for TeamHub. Select the bot name to use and click Save.

Helix TeamHub (hth) extension

The Helix TeamHub extension, named hth-extension, is required to create events for stream and classic depots. This extension supports the following events:

  • change-commit

If the extension is installed, you can view general and status information on the Configure Helix Core Server Extensions page. You can also install and remove the extension from this page.

  • If the extension is not yet installed, click Install. The extension is installed to the Helix Core Server. If the Install button is not available, you need to set the Helix TeamHub properties first.
  • To upgrade the extension when a new version is available, click Upgrade. The extension is removed and then the new version is installed.
  • If the extension is installed and you want to remove it, click Remove. The extension is removed from the Helix Core Server.

Helix TeamHub Graph (hth-graph) extension

The Helix TeamHub Graph extension, named hth-graph-extension, is required to create events for graph depots. This extension supports the following events:

  • branch create

  • branch delete

  • tag create

  • tag delete

  • graph-push-reference-complete

If the extension is installed, you can view general and status information on the Configure Helix Core Server Extensions page. You can also install and remove the extension from this page.

  • If the extension is not yet installed, click Install. The extension is installed to the Helix Core Server. If the Install button is not available, you need to set the Helix TeamHub properties first.
  • To upgrade the extension when a new version is available, click Upgrade. The extension is removed and then the new version is installed.
  • If the extension is installed and you want to remove it, click Remove. The extension is removed from the Helix Core Server.