Multiple search terms find topics with one or more of the terms, and each term gets a different highlight color.
For an exact multi-word search, enclose the set of terms within quotes to form a single string:
work also finds workspace, but "work" excludes workspace.
request also finds requests and requesting, but "request" excludes them.
configuration also finds topics with configuring, but "configuration" excludes them.
To customize your search further, add an operator (and, not, or) between search terms:
configuration and settings narrows your search and only finds topics that contain both configuration and settings.
configuration not settings widens your search and finds topics that contain configuration but not settings, topics that contain settings but not configuration, and excludes topics that contain both.
configuration or settings widens your search and finds topics that contain configuration or settings and also topics that contain both configuration and settings.
If your search contains an operator that you want to use as a word, enclose the phrase in quotes to tell search not to use it as an operator. For example, not required will return a search format error, but "not required" finds topics that contain not required.
You can search for any string on a page with Command-F on macOS or CTRL+F on Windows.