Creating a super user on the Helix Core Server

Helix DAM requires setting up a user on the Helix Core Server with super permissions, unlimited timeouts, and an all hosts ticket. You can create a new super user or use an existing one with the correct configuration.


The following steps use dam-super as an example username, but you can use any username.

  1. On your Helix Core Server, create the user:

    p4 user -f dam-super

  2. Create a group with unlimited timeouts and add the user to the group. For example:

    1. Create a group named unlimited:

      p4 group unlimited

    2. Edit the group spec to change Timeout to unlimited.
    3. Edit the group spec to add the user as a member of the group.
  3. As an existing superuser, open the user protections form:

    p4 protect

  4. Add the following line to the form to give the user super permissions:

    super user dam-super * //...

  5. Set the password:

    p4 -u dam-super passwd

  6. Create an all hosts ticket for the user:

    p4 -u dam-super login -ap

  7. Make a note of the username you set up and ticket details. You will use this information later to configure Helix DAM.