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RepositoryGetServerLicenseInformation Method

Retrieves Server License related information from the repository.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public ServerLicense GetServerLicenseInformation(
	Options options


Type: Perforce.P4Options
The '-o','-u' and '-L' flags can be used to get Server License information.

Return Value

Type: ServerLicense
The ServerLicense object with license information.

p4 help license

license -- Update or display the license file

p4 license -o
p4 license -i
p4 license -u
p4 license -L

Info lists information about the current client (user name,
Update the Perforce license file.This command requires a valid
license file in the Perforce root directory.Typically this command
lets an administrator add extra licensed users to the Perforce server
without having to shut the server down and copy the license file to
the server root.

Most new license files obtained from Perforce can be installed with
this command, unless the server's IP address or port has changed.
In that case, stop the server, copy the new license file to the root,
and restart the server.

The -o flag writes the license file to the standard output.

The -i flag reads a license file from the standard input.

The -u flag reports the license limits and how many entities are in
use towards the limits.

The -L flag lists valid server IP and MAC addresses to be used when
requesting a valid license from Perforce Support.

This command requires 'super' access (or 'admin' for '-u'),
which is granted by 'p4 protect'.

When using the free version of the server(no license file) the server
is limited to 5 users and 20 workspaces, or unlimited users and
workspaces when the repository has less than 1,000 files
If you have license installed for your server and want to output information: Pre-requisites: You are connected to the server repository.
LicenseCmdOptions options = new LicenseCmdOptions(LicenseCmdFlags.Output);
ServerLicense serverLicense = rep.GetServerLicenseInformation(options);
See Also