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RepositoryCreateLabel Method (Label, Options)

Create a new label in the repository.

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public Label CreateLabel(
	Label label,
	Options options


Type: Perforce.P4Label
Label specification for the new label
Type: Perforce.P4Options
The '-i' flag is required when creating a new label

Return Value

Type: Label
The Label object if new label was created, null if creation failed
The '-i' flag is added if not specified by the caller

p4 help label

label -- Create or edit a label specification

p4 label [-f -g -t template] name
p4 label -d [-f -g] name
p4 label -o [-t template] name
p4 label -i [-f -g]

Create or edit a label. The name parameter is required. The
specification form is put into a temporary file and the editor
(configured by the environment variable $P4EDITOR) is invoked.

The label specification form contains the following fields:

Label: The label name (read only.)

Owner: The user who created this label. Can be changed.

Update: The date that this specification was last modified.

Access: The date of the last 'labelsync' or use of '@label'
referencing this label.

Description: A short description of the label (optional).

Options: Flags to change the label behavior.

locked Prevents users other than the label owner
unlocked from changing the specification. Prevents
the label from being deleted. Prevents the
owner from running 'p4 labelsync'. For a
loaded label, prevents 'p4 unload'.

autoreload For a static label, indicates where label
noautoreload revisions are stored. Specify 'noautoreload'
to indicate that the revisions should be
stored in the db.label table. Specify
'autoreload' to indicate that the revisions
should be stored in the unload depot.

Revision: An optional revision specification for an automatic
label. Enclose in double quotes if it contains the
# (form comment) character. An automatic label can
be treated as a pure alias of a single revision
specification (excluding @label) provided that the
View mapping is empty.

View: A mapping that selects files from the depot. The
default view selects all depot files. Only the left
side of the mapping is used for labels. Leave this
field blank when creating an automatic label as
a pure alias. See 'p4 help views'.

ServerID: If set, restricts usage to the named server.
If unset, usage is allowed on any server.

A label is a named collection of revisions. A label is either
automatic or static. An automatic label refers to the revisions
given in the View: and Revision: fields. A static label refers to
the revisions that are associated with the label using the 'p4 tag'
or 'p4 labelsync' commands. A static label cannot have a Revison:
field. See 'p4 help revisions' for information on using labels as
revision specifiers.

Only the label owner can run 'p4 labelsync', and only if the label
is unlocked. A label without an owner can be labelsync'd by any user.

Flag -d deletes the specified label. You cannot delete a locked label.
The -f flag forces the delete.

The -o flag writes the label specification to standard output. The
user's editor is not invoked.

The -i flag reads a label specification from standard input. The
user's editor is not invoked.

The -t flag copies the view and options from the template label to
the new label.

The -f flag forces the deletion of a label. By default, locked labels
can only be deleted by their owner. The -f flag also permits the
Last Modified date to be set. The -f flag requires 'admin' access,
which is granted by 'p4 protect'.

The -g flag should be used on an Edge Server to update a global
label. Without -g, the label definition is visible only to users
of this Edge Server. Configuring reverses this
default and causes this flag to have the opposite meaning.

To create a new label:
Label l = new Label();
l.Id = "newLabel";
l.Owner = "admin";
l.Description = "created by admin";
l.Options = "unlocked";
l.ViewMap = new ViewMap();
string v0 = "//depot/main/...";
string v1 = "//depot/rel1/...";
string v2 = "//depot/rel2/...";
string v3 = "//depot/dev/...";
Label newLabel = rep.CreateLabel(l, null);
To create a label using another label as a template:
Label newLabel2 = rep.CreateLabel(newLabel,
    new LabelCmdOptions(LabelCmdFlags.None, newLabel.Id));
See Also