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Options Constructor (GetFileContentsCmdFlags, String)

Command options for GetFileContentsCmd()

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public Options(
	GetFileContentsCmdFlags flags,
	string localFile


Type: Perforce.P4GetFileContentsCmdFlags
Type: SystemString

p4 help print

print -- Write a depot file to standard output

p4 print [-a -A -k -o localFile -q -m max] file[revRange] ...
p4 print -U unloadfile ...

Retrieve the contents of a depot file to the client's standard output.
The file is not synced. If file is specified using client syntax,
Perforce uses the client view to determine the corresponding depot

By default, the head revision is printed. If the file argument
includes a revision, the specified revision is printed. If the
file argument has a revision range, then only files selected by
that revision range are printed, and the highest revision in the
range is printed. For details about revision specifiers, see 'p4
help revisions'.

The -a flag prints all revisions within the specified range, rather
than just the highest revision in the range.

The -A flag prints files in archive depots.

The -k flag suppresses keyword expansion.

The -o localFile flag redirects the output to the specified file on
the client filesystem.

The -q flag suppresses the initial line that displays the file name
and revision.

The -m flag limits print to the first 'max' number of files.

The -U option prints files in the unload depot (see 'p4 help unload'
for more information about the unload depot).

See Also