The caller must either
1) set an automatic resolution (-as, -am.-af, -at, or -ay),
2) provide a callback function of type
P4ServerPromptHandlerDelegate to
respond to the prompts, or 3) provide a dictionary which contains responses to the prompts.
p4 help resolve resolve -- Resolve integrations and updates to workspace files
p4 resolve [options] [file ...]
options: -A<flags> -a<flags> -d<flags> -f -n -N -o -t -v
-c changelist#
'p4 resolve' resolves changes to files in the client workspace.
'p4 resolve' works only on files that have been scheduled to be
resolved. The commands that can schedule resolves are: 'p4 sync',
'p4 update', 'p4 submit', 'p4 merge', and 'p4 integrate'. Files must
be resolved before they can be submitted.
Resolving involves two sets of files, a source and a target. The
target is a set of depot files that maps to opened files in the
client workspace. When resolving an integration, the source is a
different set of depot files than the target. When resolving an
update, the source is the same set of depot files as the target,
at a different revision.
The 'p4 resolve' file argument specifies the target. If the file
argument is omitted, all unresolved files are resolved.
Resolving can modify workspace files. To back up files, use 'p4
shelve' before using 'p4 resolve'.
The resolve process is a classic three-way merge. The participating
files are referred to as follows:
'yours' The target file open in the client workspace
'theirs' The source file in the depot
'base' The common ancestor; the highest revision of the
source file already accounted for in the target.
'merged' The merged result.
Filenames, filetypes, and text file content can be resolved by
accepting 'yours', 'theirs', or 'merged'. Branching, deletion, and
binary file content can be resolved by accepting either 'yours' or
When resolving integrated changes, 'p4 resolve' distinguishes among
four results: entirely yours, entirely theirs, a pure merge, or an
edited merge. The distinction is recorded when resolved files are
submitted, and will be used by future commands to determine whether
integration is needed.
In all cases, accepting 'yours' leaves the target file in its current
state. The result of accepting 'theirs' is as follows:
Content: The target file content is overwritten.
Attribute: The target's attributes are replaced.
Branching: A new target is branched.
Deletion: The target file is deleted.
Filename: The target file is moved or renamed.
Filetype: The target file's type is changed.
For each unresolved change, the user is prompted to accept a result.
Content and non-content changes are resolved separately. For content,
'p4 resolve' places the merged result into a temporary file in the
client workspace. If there are any conflicts, the merged file contains
conflict markers that must be removed by the user.
'p4 resolve' displays a count of text diffs and conflicts, and offers
the following prompts:
at Keep only changes to their file.
ay Keep only changes to your file.
* am Keep merged file.
* ae Keep merged and edited file.
* a Keep autoselected file.
* dt See their changes alone.
* dy See your changes alone.
* dm See merged changes.
d Diff your file against merged file.
et Edit their file (read only).
ey Edit your file (read/write).
* e Edit merged file (read/write).
* m Run '$P4MERGE base theirs yours merged'.
(Runs '$P4MERGEUNICODE charset base theirs
yours merged' if set and the file is a
unicode file.)
s Skip this file.
h Print this help message.
^C Quit the resolve operation.
Options marked (*) appear only for text files. The suggested action
will be displayed in brackets.
The 'merge' (m) option enables you to invoke your own merge program, if
one is configured using the $P4MERGE environment variable. Four files
are passed to the program: the base, yours, theirs, and the temporary
file. The program is expected to write merge results to the temporary
The -A flag can be used to limit the kind of resolving that will be
attempted; without it, everything is attempted:
-Aa Resolve attributes.
-Ab Resolve file branching.
-Ac Resolve file content changes.
-Ad Resolve file deletions.
-Am Resolve moved and renamed files.
-At Resolve filetype changes.
-AQ Resolve charset changes.
The -a flag puts 'p4 resolve' into automatic mode. The user is not
prompted, and files that can't be resolved automatically are skipped:
-as 'Safe' resolve; skip files that need merging.
-am Resolve by merging; skip files with conflicts.
-af Force acceptance of merged files with conflicts.
-at Force acceptance of theirs; overwrites yours.
-ay Force acceptance of yours; ignores theirs.
The -as flag causes the workspace file to be replaced with their file
only if theirs has changed and yours has not.
The -am flag causes the workspace file to be replaced with the result
of merging theirs with yours. If the merge detected conflicts, the
file is left untouched and unresolved.
The -af flag causes the workspace file to be replaced with the result
of merging theirs with yours, even if there were conflicts. This can
leave conflict markers in workspace files.
The -at flag resolves all files by copying theirs into yours. It
should be used with care, as it overwrites any changes made to the
file in the client workspace.
The -ay flag resolves all files by accepting yours and ignoring
theirs. It preserves the content of workspace files.
The -d flags can be used to control handling of whitespace and line
endings when merging files:
-db Ignore whitespace changes.
-dw Ignore whitespace altogether.
-dl Ignores line endings.
The -d flags are also passed to the diff options in the 'p4 resolve'
dialog. Additional -d flags that modify the diff output but do not
modify merge behavior include -dn (RCS), -dc (context), -ds (summary),
and -du (unified). Note that 'p4 resolve' uses text from the client
file if the files differ only in whitespace.
The -f flag enables previously resolved content to be resolved again.
By default, after files have been resolved, 'p4 resolve' does not
process them again.
The -n flag previews the operation without altering files.
The -N flag previews the operation with additional information about
any non-content resolve actions that are scheduled.
The -o flag displays the base file name and revision to be used
during the the merge.
The -t flag forces 'p4 resolve' to attempt a textual merge, even for
files with non-text (binary) types.
The -v flag causes 'p4 resolve' to insert markers for all changes,
not just conflicts.
The -c flag limits 'p4 resolve' to the files in changelist#.
'p4 resolve' is not supported for files with propagating attributes
from an edge server in a distributed environment.