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ClientIntegrateFiles Method (FileSpec, Options, FileSpec)

Integrate one set of files into another

Namespace:  Perforce.P4
Assembly: (in Version: 2024.2.269.3570
public IList<FileSpec> IntegrateFiles(
	FileSpec fromFile,
	Options options,
	params FileSpec[] toFiles


Type: Perforce.P4FileSpec
File to integrate from
Type: Perforce.P4Options
Options for the command
Type: Perforce.P4FileSpec
Array of files to integrate into

Return Value

Type: IListFileSpec
List of integrated files

p4 help integrate

integrate -- Integrate one set of files into another

p4 integrate [options] fromFile[revRange] toFile
p4 integrate [options] -b branch [-r] [toFile[revRange] ...]
p4 integrate [options] -b branch -s fromFile[revRange] [toFile ...]
p4 integrate [options] -S stream [-r] [-P parent] [file[revRange] ...]

options: -c changelist# -Di -f -h -O<flags> -n -m max -R<flags> -q -v

'p4 integrate' integrates one set of files (the 'source') into
another (the 'target').

(See also 'p4 merge' and 'p4 copy', variants of 'p4 integrate' that
may be easier and more effective for the task at hand.)

Using the client workspace as a staging area, 'p4 integrate' adds and
deletes target files per changes in the source, and schedules all
other affected target files to be resolved. Target files outside of
the current client view are not affected. Source files need not be
within the client view.

'p4 resolve' must be used to merge file content, and to resolve
filename and filetype changes. 'p4 submit' commits integrated files
to the depot. Unresolved files may not be submitted. Integrations
can be shelved with 'p4 shelve' and abandoned with 'p4 revert'. The
commands 'p4 integrated' and 'p4 filelog' display integration history.

When 'p4 integrate' schedules a workspace file to be resolved, it
leaves it read-only. 'p4 resolve' can operate on a read-only file.
For other pre-submit changes, 'p4 edit' must be used to make the
file writable.

Source and target files can be specified either on the 'p4 integrate'
command line or through a branch view. On the command line, fromFile
is the source file set and toFile is the target file set. With a
branch view, one or more toFile arguments can be given to limit the
scope of the target file set.

revRange is a revision or a revision range that limits the span of
source history to be probed for unintegrated revisions. revRange
can be used on fromFile, or on toFile, but not on both. When used on
toFile, it refers to source revisions, not to target revisions. For
details about revision specifiers, see 'p4 help revisions'.

The -S flag makes 'p4 integrate' use a generated branch view that maps
a stream (or its underlying real stream) to its parent. With -r, the
direction of the mapping is reversed. -P can be used to generate the
branch view using a parent stream other than the stream's actual
parent. Note that to submit integrated stream files, the current
client must be switched to the target stream, or to a virtual child
stream of the target stream.

The -b flag makes 'p4 integrate' use a user-defined branch view.
(See 'p4 help branch'.) The source is the left side of the branch view
and the target is the right side. With -r, the direction is reversed.

The -s flag can be used with -b to cause fromFile to be treated as
the source, and both sides of the branch view to be treated as the
target, per the branch view mapping. Optional toFile arguments may
be given to further restrict the scope of the target file set. The
-r flag is ignored when -s is used.

Note that 'p4 integrate' automatically adusts source-to-target
mappings for moved and renamed files. (Adjustment occurs only if
the 'p4 move' command was used to move/rename files.) The scope of
source and target file sets must include both the old-named and the
new-named files for mappings to be adjusted. A filename resolve is
scheduled for each remapped file to allow the target to be moved to
match the source.

The -f flag forces integrate to ignore integration history and treat
all source revisions as unintegrated. It is meant to be used with
revRange to force reintegration of specific, previously integrated

The -O flags cause more information to be output for each file opened:

-Ob Show the base revision for the merge (if any).
-Or Show the resolve(s) that are being scheduled.

The -R flags modify the way resolves are scheduled:

-Rb Schedules 'branch resolves' instead of branching new
target files automatically.

-Rd Schedules 'delete resolves' instead of deleting
target files automatically.

-Rs Skips cherry-picked revisions already integrated.
This can improve merge results, but can also cause
multiple resolves per file to be scheduled.

The -Di flag modifies the way deleted revisions are treated. If the
source file has been deleted and re-added, revisions that precede
the deletion will be considered to be part of the same source file.
By default, re-added files are considered to be unrelated to the
files of the same name that preceded them.

The -h flag leaves the target files at the revision currently synced
to the client (the '#have' revision). By default, target files are
automatically synced to the head revision by 'p4 integrate'.

The -m flag limits integration to the first 'max' number of files.

The -n flag displays a preview of integration, without actually
doing anything.

The -q flag suppresses normal output messages. Messages regarding
errors or exceptional conditions are displayed.

If -c changelist# is specified, the files are opened in the
designated numbered pending changelist instead of the 'default'

The -v flag causes a 'virtual' integration that does not modify
client workspace files unless target files need to be resolved.
After submitting a virtual integration, 'p4 sync' can be used to
update the workspace.

Integration is not supported for files with propagating attributes
from an edge server in a distributed environment. Depending on the
integration action, target, and source, either the integration or
resolve command will fail.

See Also