Syncing field labels with Helix ALM

If users will attach files to items in a Helix ALM project that uses renamed field labels, you can sync the field labels with the project for consistency.

Syncing field labels eliminates the need to manually rename individual Helix ALM field labels. However, if the field label values change in the project, you need to sync the field labels again to see the changes in Surround SCM.

1. Choose Tools > Administration > Server Options.

The Server Options dialog box opens.

2. Select Helix ALM Integration from the General Server Options category.

3. Click Sync with Helix ALM.

The Sync with Helix ALM Project dialog box opens.

4. Enter the Helix ALM Server address and Port number.

5. Click Get Projects to load the active projects and select the Project to sync with from the list.

6. Click OK to save the changes.