Selecting branch templates
You can use the same template as an existing branch created from the same parent branch to include and exclude specific repositories. This eliminates the need to configure a template to include or exclude repositories in a new branch.
For example, the WysiWrite 1.1 branch may include only the Code/WysiWrite and Documentation/Online Help/WysiWrite repositories and exclude subrepositories in the Code and Online Help repositories for other products. You can choose to use the template from the WysiWrite 1.1 branch when creating the branch for the WysiWrite 1.2 release because it already includes the required repositories.
1. Click Select in the Create Branch dialog box.
The Select Branch Template dialog box opens. Branches that use a template from the selected parent branch and the included and excluded repositories are displayed.
2. Select the branch with the template to use for the new branch.
3. Click Select.
The template is applied to the branch when it is created.