Creating audit trail reports
Audit trail reports include information about file versions in workflow states that require electronic signatures. Use this report to validate signature records for compliance purposes. Signature records are stored in the audit log table in the mainline database.
Signature information is displayed in the following columns.
Column | Contains: |
Signed Client Type | Client type used to enter the signature. |
Signed Full Name | Full name from the user record of the user who entered the signature. |
Signed Computer | Name of the computer used to enter the signature. |
Signed Reason | Optional reason or meaning for the signature. Reasons are only required if they are enabled in the server or mainline compliance options. |
Signed Timestamp | Date/time the signature was entered. |
Signed Username | Username of the user who entered the signature. |
State | State set on the file version that required a signature. |
Validation Result | Information about if a valid signature record is in the audit log. Validated indicates the record was created using Surround SCM. Failed indicates the record was created or modified using another method, such as manual changes in a database table. Failed (missing entry) indicates a record is not available in the audit log because the state was set on the file version when the state was not configured to require an electronic signature or the record was manually deleted. |
1. Choose Tools > Reports.
The Reports dialog box opens.
2. Click Add.
The Select Report Type dialog box opens.
3. Select Audit Trail and click OK.
The Add Report dialog box opens.
4. Enter a Report name.
5. Select a Public/private report option.
Public reports are shared with all users. Private reports are not shared. You may only be able to create private reports depending on your security permissions.
6. On the Restrictions tab, select the criteria that files must meet to be included in the report. If you do not select any restrictions, all file versions in states that require a signature are included in the report.
7. Select [users] changed state to [states] in date range [dates] to limit results based on the user who set a signature required state on files, the state set on files, or the date the file states were changed. If you do not select this restriction, the report includes all signature records for files included in the report.
The Filter Signature Required States dialog box opens.
8. Select any Filter by Users options.
- Is in list or is not in list indicates if the signature records include the selected users.
- Current user only includes signatures entered by the logged in user.
- All users includes signatures entered by all users.
- Selected users only includes signatures entered by the users selected in the list. Click Select All to select all users or click Select None to clear any selected users.
9. Select any Filter by States options.
- Is in list indicates the signature records include the selected states.
- All signature required states includes all states that require an electronic signature.
- Selected states only includes the selected states. Click Select All to select all states or click Select None to clear any selected states.
10. Select any Filter by Dates options.
- Is or is not indicates if the signature records include dates that match the specified date or time period.
- All dates includes records with any date.
- Equal to, before, after, or between includes records relative to the specified date or time period.
- A specific time period includes records from the selected period, such as last week or last year.
- In the last or next includes records for a specified number of hours, days, weeks, months, or years relative to the current date/time.
11. Click OK to add the restriction.
12. Select any additional restrictions, enter or select the restriction values, and click OK to add them to the report. See Adding restrictions.
The restriction values are displayed in the Restrictions list and the Summary field.
13. Click the Output tab.
14. Select an Output format.
Reports can be formatted in HTML, space-delimited columns, or tab-delimited columns.
15. Select a report Stylesheet.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files are installed with Surround SCM to create reports with a predefined layout and design. You can customize these stylesheets or create your own. Stylesheets are stored in the StyleSheets directory in the Surround SCM application directory on the server.
16. Select the sorting and order options.
- Primary sort column and Order sorts the first column of report results.
- Secondary sort column and Order sorts the second column of report results (optional).
17. Select Only include information for current file version to only include information about the current versions of files.
If this option is selected, Surround SCM checks if the current version of a file has an electronic signature. If the current version is in a state that requires signatures and meets the restriction criteria, the corresponding signature record is included in the report. If the current version is not in a state that requires signatures, no information about the file is included. If this option is not selected, records for all historical file versions in a state that requires signatures and meet the restriction criteria are included.
18. Select the Field Options to specify the columns to include in the report.
Select the column to add in the Available columns list and click to move it to the Selected columns list. To remove a column, select it in the Selected columns list and click
. Select a column in the Selected columns list and click Top, Move Up, Move Down, or Bottom to change the display order.
19. Click OK.
The report is added. See Running reports for information about running reports.