FAQs - Surround SCM 2008 and earlier upgrades
Do I have to use an RDBMS database?
Yes. The old proprietary database format is no longer supported.
Why did the database format change?
An RDBMS gives you more control over Surround SCM performance, where databases are stored, and how they are managed. You can leverage your existing database administration processes and use standard database tools for tasks such as data analysis, manipulation, and backups.
What is stored in the database?
All Surround SCM data except the RDBMS server connection information. Each Surround SCM Server has a server database, which is a set of tables that store user, security group, workflow, custom field, filter, report, shadow folder, trigger, and Helix ALM integration connection information, server options, the mail queue, and the server log. Each mainline branch has a mainline database, which is a set of tables that store file information.
What RDBMS can I use?
Currently, PostgreSQL is the default database type for all platforms. Microsoft SQL Server is supported on Windows. See RDBMS Support for supported platforms and versions .
I do not have an RDBMS. How do I install one?
Surround SCM 2009 and later includes installation files for PostgreSQL, which is an open source, cross-platform RDBMS. You can install PostgreSQL database services when you upgrade Surround SCM. The database service configuration is handled for you. Use PostgreSQL if you do not have database administration experience. See Setting RDBMS configuration options.
Perforce does not provide support for installing, configuring or maintaining SQL Server.
I have an existing PostgreSQL or SQL Server installation. How do I use it for Surround SCM data?
During installation, you can add connection information for an existing RDBMS. The Surround SCM Server can automatically add the required database tables when the server starts for the first time. See Setting RDBMS configuration options.
How do I migrate my existing Surround SCM data to RDBMS format?
The server database is automatically upgraded to RDBMS format the first time you start the Surround SCM Server after installation. You must upgrade mainline branches to RDBMS format in the Surround SCM Client before users can access them. See Upgrading mainline branches.
Is my existing data affected during the data migration?
No, except some fields with unlimited sizes in Surround SCM 2008 and earlier now have size restrictions due to the database format change. Name fields, such as file and repository names, have a 255 character limit. Description fields have a 1024 character limit. If field values exceed the database size limit, they are truncated during the upgrade.
Why are labels affected by the upgrade?
Surround SCM's labeling feature was completely rewritten to provide many enhancements. Labels created in earlier versions were applied to the file version in all branches. Now, you can create labels for a mainline branch or a specific branch.
Labels are not automatically applied to files and must be manually upgraded before they can be used. Upgrading legacy labels allows you to choose the existing labels to import and the branches to apply them to. See Upgrading legacy labels.
How long does it take to upgrade?
The time it takes to perform an upgrade depends on the size of your existing installation. The majority of time is spent upgrading mainline branches, which may take a few minutes to an entire day depending on the database size and number of files. You upgrade mainline branches individually after installation, so you can choose when to upgrade them depending on when users need access to the files in the mainline.