Database information - Surround SCM 2008 and earlier upgrades

During the installation, you are prompted to select the RDBMS database type. See RDBMS Support for supported platforms and versions.


PostgreSQL is the default database type, which you can use if you do not have an existing RDBMS installation. The PostgreSQL database services can be installed during Surround SCM installation.

The default database, and usernames and passwords for the database and database service, are automatically created. Following are the default database and service login credentials.

Credential Default value
Service account name postgres
Service password P0stgreSQL
Database username seapine
Database password s34p1n3
We strongly recommend changing the username and password during installation, but you can use PostgreSQL commands to change the credentials at a later time. See the PostgreSQL documentation for information.

If have an existing PostgreSQL installation, you are prompted to enter the connection information and database username and password. Surround SCM tables are created in the database when the Surround SCM Server starts and connects to the database for the first time after installation.

SQL Server

If you use SQL Server for the Surround SCM database, you must have an existing SQL Server installation. Make sure you have the database connection information and database username and password before upgrading. Surround SCM tables are created in the database when the Surround SCM Server starts and connects to the database for the first time after installation.