Upgrade mainline branches created in Surround SCM 2008 and earlier to RDBMS format and old mainline branches stored in a non-server RDBMS database to the current format. Keep the following in mind:
- A database cannot include two mainline branches with the same name. If the destination database already includes a mainline with the same name as the mainline you are upgrading, you must select a different destination database.
- During the upgrade, Surround SCM attempts to match users and security groups in the mainline branch to users and groups on the Surround SCM Server. If matching names are found, Surround SCM assumes they are the same user or group. If users in the mainline do not exist on the server, they are created without assigned licenses. If security groups in the mainline do not exist on the server, they are created without any security commands enabled. Surround SCM also attempts to match connection information.
- If you are upgrading a mainline branch from Surround SCM 5.x or earlier, you are prompted to automatically upgrade the branch to 2008 format before it is upgraded to RDBMS format.
- Back up the mainline branch before you upgrade it. This allows you to restore the data if any errors occur.
sscm upgrademainline MainlineBranch [-eConnectionName] [-h] [-y[Username:Password|+|=]] [-zSCMServerAddr:PortNum|zPath] [+u]
Option | Description |
MainlineBranch | Mainline branch to upgrade. Enter . with the -e option to upgrade mainlines stored in the specified RDBMS connection location. |
-e | RDBMS connection name. Default is the server database connection. Required if using . as the mainline branch name. Name is case-sensitive. |
-h | Display online help for the command. |
-i | Ignore errors during upgrade. Only applies if upgrading a non-RDBMS mainline. Only use this option if you have already used the Surround SCM Analyze Utility to identify any data integrity issues in the database and were unable to repair issues causing errors. |
-y | Enter a Surround SCM username and password if you do not want to use the default value. To use single sign-on, enter -y+. If you use an identity provider to authenticate, the provider web page opens if you have not yet authenticated. Authenticate with the provider and then return to the CLI. |
-z | Enter the Surround SCM Server host computer address and port number if you do not want to use the default value. IPv6 addresses must be in square brackets. If you received a server settings file from your Surround SCM administrator, enter the path to the XML file instead of entering the server connection information. |
+u | Display output in Unicode (Windows only). Output cannot be sent to a file. If output is enabled for all commands, enter +u- to disable it for this command. |