
Set options to automatically check for Surround SCM software updates or notify you about beta releases. Software is not automatically downloaded or installed. The Surround SCM Server encodes the following information and sends it to the Perforce update server, which returns update information.

  • Unique user ID—A unique ID, generated by the Surround SCM Server, used to identify each Surround SCM Server.
  • Surround SCM version—The Surround SCM version installed on the Surround SCM Server.
  • Operating system and version—The operating system and version of the Surround SCM Server computer.
  • Configuration settings—Specifies if settings, such as triggers and workflows, are configured.

To display the settings, enter the command without any options.

If you want to manually check for software updates, see servercheckforupdate.

sscm serverupdatecheckoption [-b|-b-] [-c|-c-] [-eEmailAddress] [-h] [-nLevel] [-rReturnEmailAddress] [-s|-s-] [-tTime] [-y[Username:Password|+|=]] [-zSCMServerAddr:PortNum|zPath]

Option Description
-b Send an email notification when beta releases are available. Enter -b- to disable.
-c Automatically check for Surround SCM updates. Enter -c- to disable.
-e Email address to send notification to.
-h Display online help for the command.
-n When to send product email notification updates.

0: No notification

1: Notify for major releases

2: Notify for major and minor releases

3: Notify for major; minor, and maintenance releases
-r Email address to send returned notifications to.
-s Send email notification when new product releases are available.
-t Number of weeks between update checks (1-52).
-y Enter a Surround SCM username and password if you do not want to use the default value. To use single sign-on, enter -y+. If you use an identity provider to authenticate, the provider web page opens if you have not yet authenticated. Authenticate with the provider and then return to the CLI.
-z Enter the Surround SCM Server host computer address and port number if you do not want to use the default value. IPv6 addresses must be in square brackets. If you received a server settings file from your Surround SCM administrator, enter the path to the XML file instead of entering the server connection information.