Viewing licenses in use

You can view the licenses currently in use, floating licenses currently reserved, and floating licenses available for immediate use. Use this information to determine if you need to add additional licenses or make changes to license pools. See Configuring license pools.

See Managing licenses for information about licenses.

1. Click Licenses.

The Helix ALM Licenses dialog box opens.

2. Click Licenses in Use.

The Licenses in Use dialog box opens and displays license information in the following areas:

Area Shows; Additional information
Licenses in use The server where a license is in use, the license pool, the product a license is for, the user who is using a license, when the user first connected using a license, and the license type. Server names that include ::1 or 127 indicate the Helix ALM product server is running on the same computer as the license server.
Reserved floating licenses The number of floating licenses currently reserved. Provides details about the license pool, the product the license is for, the user a license is reserved for, and the remaining number of minutes before a license will be available for other users to use. When a Helix ALM user logs in, a floating license is reserved for that user for 30 minutes, even if they log out during the 30-minute period. If the user logs out and then logs in again during the 30-minute period, they will still be able to use the floating license. These rules do not apply to Surround SCM.
Available floating licenses The available licenses that users can use. Provides details about the license pool, the product a license is for, and the number of licenses available.  

3. Click Refresh to update the list.

4. Click Close when you finish.