Changing Active Directory and LDAP server associations

If you are migrating Active Directory (AD) or LDAP servers, you can change the server association for LDAP users to sync them with a different server.

Note:  To change the server association, a user with the same username must already exist on the new AD/LDAP server.

1. Select the LDAP users to associate with a different server in the Global Users list.

2. Click Quick Edit and then select Change LDAP Association.

The Change LDAP Association dialog box opens.

3. Select the server to associate the users with.

This list contains the AD/LDAP server connections configured on the license server. If you need to add a server connection, see Adding LDAP servers and Adding Active Directory servers.

4. Click Change.

The Change LDAP Association Status dialog box opens and displays a message to indicate the change status.

If usernames are not found on the selected AD/LDAP server, a list of users that cannot be changed is returned. Verify users with these usernames are available on the server before trying to change the association again.

5. Click Close when you finish.