Adding license pools

You can create license pools to specify the number of floating licenses available to a group of users.

1. Click Licenses.

The Helix ALM Licenses dialog box opens.

2. Click Configure Floating Pools.

The Configure Floating License Pools dialog box opens. The available product licenses are listed in the default Floating pool for each product.

3. Click Add.

The Add License Pool dialog box opens.

4. Enter a license pool Name.

Note:  The name must be between 1 and 40 characters.

5. Select a Product.

The available licenses for the selected product are grouped by serial number.

6. If you are pooling Requirements Management licenses, select a License Type.

Requirements Management full and reviewer licenses cannot be added to the same pool.

7. Select a license from the Available licenses list.

To select multiple licenses, Ctrl+click the licenses. To select all the available licenses for a serial number, click the serial number.

8. Click Add to add the license to the pool.

To remove a license from the pool, select the license and click Remove.

9. Click OK.

The license pool is added. The licenses in the pool can only be used by the users assigned to the pool. See Assigning users to license pools.