Working with baselines from items

When you are working with an item, you can work with baselines the item is in. See Working with baselines for more information about baselines.

You can view the item in a baseline, view differences between the current item and item in the baseline, and view differences between the item in two baselines.

Note:  The information you can view and actions you can perform depend on your licensing and security permissions.

1. Click the Baselines tab when you are viewing or editing an item. To work with baselines from a folder, click the Details tab and go to the Baselines area.

Information about the baselines the item is in is displayed. If an item changes between baselines, the value in the Revision column increments.

Tip:  You can search for a baseline. Matches are displayed as you type.

2. To view the item in a baseline, click the baseline name. You can also select the baseline and click View in Baseline.

The details for the item when the baseline was added are displayed. See Viewing details for items in baselines.

3. To view differences between the current item and the item in a baseline, select one baseline in the list and click View Differences.

The item comparison page opens. See Viewing differences between a current item and item in a baseline

4. To view differences between the item in two baselines, select the baselines and click View Differences. See Viewing differences between items in baselines.

Tip:  You can add a baseline when working with an item. See Adding baselines.