Viewing and downloading file attachments

You can view files attached to items and download attachments to save a local copy.

1. Click the Files tab when you are viewing or editing an item.

Note:  In issues, you can also work with attachments on the Detail tab.

Files attached to the item are displayed.

2. To view the file, click the thumbnail or filename. Only file types supported by your browser can be viewed. Refer to the browser help for information.

If the browser cannot open the file, it is automatically downloaded. You can then open the local copy in the associated application.

When viewing images attached to Issues, clicking on an image opens the View Images dialog. If multiple images are attached to the Issue, you can scroll through the images using the next/previous buttons. Supported image formats are: BMP, GIF, PNG, and JPG. If you wish to view the image in a separate tab, click the Download button. Click Close when you are done viewing the images.

3. To download a file, click the Download button next to it.

4. Click Source Files to view source files attached to the item. See Viewing source files attached to items.

5. Click Save to save any changes.